Chapter Seven

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Hey all you gorgeous people! Thank you for all the comments and votes.

Chapter Seven

Standing in the school parking lot, I let my bag drop to the floor as I lifted myself up on the hood of Bella's car. Dangling my legs over the side I waited for someone to speak. Emma stood there with her mouth open and her eyes wide. "You actually did that?" She asked in disbelief. I told the guys what happened between Mason and me. It's not like I could blame them for doubting me. Hell, I was there and I still had to replay it over in my head to actually believe I did it.

I nodded as I unscrewed the cap of my water. "Yup." I swallowed, trying to ignore the dull pang in my chest.

Bella snorted. "Good, that stupid jerk. I would have punched him in the face and then sat on him until he couldn't breathe. Then I'd shift and claw his eyes out before-"

"Bella being as friendly as always, I see." Nicky laughed as he walked over to us. Pushing his cell into his pocket, he stood next to me and leaned against the car. "What poor soul deserves such brutality?"

"He-who-must-not-be-named." Ray smirked. "Rainie handed him his ass on a plate." He leaned over and ruffled my hair.

Nicky wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. "That's my girl." He smiled his beautiful breath taking smile.

Nicky was like every other Alpha in the looks department. His dark brown hair fell into his soft brown eyes, his cheeks and jaw looked as if they had been chiseled out of glass and his full lips hid a perfect, white smile. He was incredibly handsome, but unlike many Alphas he wasn't a jerk who thought he was better than everyone. He didn't prey on girls and then break their hearts. He, like Mason, would take the role of Alpha in one year when he turned eighteen.

"So babe, what's next?" Ray asked Emma as he pressed his lips to hers.

"Algebra." She smiled. "I'll wait here after school then we can go, ok?" He nodded and kissed her forehead before pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Blushing like crazy she dipped her head which caused Ray to chuckle. Even after a year together, Emma told us that he still made her feel like he did when they first met.

Nicky turned to me. "You're in English, right Rain?" I nodded. "I'll walk you to class." Before I could reach for it, Nicky had picked up my bag together with his and draped his arm over my shoulder as he walked us towards the door. I sent a small smile and a wave over my shoulder to the rest of the guys.

"I know you're not ok." Nicky stated as we walked down the corridor. There were a few students making their way to their lockers, but it was still fairly empty. I gave him a confused look, ok about what? "With what happened between you and him. I know you're not as fine as you're making out to be." He looked at me with sympathy, something I didn't want.

I shrugged and lowered my head, afraid that if I looked into his soft brown eyes I would crack. "It really wasn't that bad."

I lied. It was. It was hell.

"I needed to do it.  He can't keep changing the way he acts towards me." My stomach churned and it felt as if my wolf had curled herself into a ball. I could understand why. "One minute he rejects me and the next he acts like he wants me, only to reject me. Again!" I could feel my temper rise; I took deep breaths trying to calm myself and get rid of the ache in my chest. The middle of the school hall was not the ideal place to shift.

Having felt my body begin to shake, Nicky wrapped his arm tighter around, pulling me even closer to his warm body. I looked up and gave him a grateful smile. "My dad told me about a woman who used to be in our pack, she was rejected and-"

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