Chapter 6

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"Hmmm, it sure is a huge mansion." Aarav said.

"Oh! I didn't know that." I said mockingly.

"Okay! Don't be sarcastic now. Let's go in."

"Yeah for my devastation."

I and Aarav greeted Mr. and Mrs. Patel. While they were leaving for work, they gave me a parchment on which instructions were written. They do this every time.

Aarav was already in Keira's room and talking to her.

What I was unable to do for months, he did it in minutes!

"So are you getting along well?" I asked.

"Yeah! She's so sweet." He replied joyfully.

"Okay, will you just stay with her. I need to make ice cream bonbons for her."


After some time I heard a melodious voice.

It was Aarav's! He was singing a lullaby to Keera.

"Hey! Is she sleeping?"

"Nope. She asked me to sing. So....."

"Okay. Here, dig in both of you."

"Mmmm. Delicious!"

"Yummy! Full tummy!" Keira said in a playful tone.

"Thanks. By the way, you were singing beautifully."

"Oh! Thanks. The Result of bathroom singing."

Our rest of the day went amazingly great. Keira was really happy when we left and asked Aarav to visit her again. Aarav gets well along with children. He becomes childish with them.

"So, now our destination is Pizza Hut!!" I exclaimed with joy.

"You look enthusiastic, huh, Aara?" he asked.

"Yeah of course. You know it's been a while since I went to a pizza hut store."

"I am glad I made you happy."

But sometimes things don't go as per the plan.

I am here sitting appalled with my hands on my face. The store was closed.

"Dammit, why today?!" Aarav roared in anger.

He roared so loudly that it terrified me!

"It's okay let's just leave it. Come let's go home."

"Come on we can go to another pizza shop."

"No, I don't want to go anywhere."

All the time we were crestfallen.

We came home and we both were worn – out completely.

But .......

"Aarav and Aara come join us." Mrs. Takishima said.

"Whoaaa. That's great!" Aarav exclaimed with joy.

"Let's dig in!!" I too exclaimed.

They were having a Pizza Party! They ordered so many pizzas!

When we asked that was there any particular reason for this, they said that my mom was confused what to make for lunch so they ended up with pizzas.

Later on, I and Aarav were full, went to my room and slept like never before.

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