Chapter 10

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I am back to my paradise. It was a depressing day but I spoke my heart out. First time ever.

I don't quite understand, what the hell was I doing these 15yrs of my life! First time for everything.

Fricking first time!!!!

I loathe myself.

Why do I feel like I am forgetting something? Nevermind.

Another depressing morning. I prefer sitting at the edge of the death valley than to go to school.

Let's just listen to music.

"Aara! Why are you still dressed up like a homeless drug addict?" mom asked.

"What do you mean? I am not going to school today. Not in the mood for school." I said.

"Yes, you are not going to school but......................TODAY! IS! YOUR! TEST! Get! Ready! You! Are! Late!"

I got so terrified that I dashed towards the bathroom.

"Now you look better." Mom said with a smile.

"Thanks, mom."

Even if I looked as hell my mom will still say that I look good.

"Nail it!" dad said with great enthusiasm.

"Yeah, sure thing," I said with my usual deadpanned face.

"What happened? Why so exhausted?" dad asked.

"Didn't get enough sleep," I replied.

"Oh! You never get enough sleep Aara. Now go and win it!"


"All the best!!" both of them said.

"Oh! My god! Ah!"

"Are you okay?" mom asked.

"Hey! Hey! Get up." Dad said whilst helping me stand up.

I got my foot twisted and feel a lot hard.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Will you be able to walk?" Mom asked.

"She will be able to. After all, she is my daughter." Dad said.

"Shut up! She's in pain." Mom said agonizingly.

"What did you say?" Dad asked furiously.

And then both of them started fighting.

"Hey! Guys! I am going and the way you are fighting, I am thinking of not coming back. So, CUT! IT! OUT!"

Both of them were silent and I left. That's also a reason why you need kids.

I took the metro and after that, I had to walk for some distance. After some time I was there.

Whoa! This place is fricking big!

"Hello. Ma'am, can I see your pass?" the man at the entry gate asked me.

"Yeah. Here it is." I said as I gave him the pass.

He checked it and I was in.

Aara!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu