Chapter 17

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Finally, the ski day.

I'm in love with these mountains! So refreshing and serene they are! We are on top, Alex knows skiing but not very well. So, for him, Mrs. Brown is there and for me, Aarav is already here.

"Okay, Aara, calm down and keep yourself steady while skiing." Aarav said.

"Okay," I said as I was looking down and then I realized I have acrophobia.

"Aara! Calm down, don't worry even if you fall I'll catch you. I got your back."

"What are you? A superman?"

"No. But for you, I'll become one."

What is going on with him?

Finally, I learned how to keep myself steady while skiing. I did fall many times but Aarav was there. Alex's a quick learner, so he was already skiing independently. Now it was my turn to do so. Aarav was already rooting for me. As I went down the slope I felt the cold air on my face and everything seemed to be more beautiful than usual.

"Aara! Duck!" Aarav shouted.

He was going ahead of me. Now I understand why he said so. There were tree branches! I ducked on time or would've been smashed by one of them.

We were on the right-hand side because on the other side there were too many skiers. Fearing that I might hit into one, Aarav asked me to ski on the right-hand side. But this idea doesn't seem to be very good. Because there weren't few branches, there were so many!! Each time Aarav had to shout Duck so that I won't be smashed by them.

Thank God! He was there!

After skiing for so many hours we were exhausted and decided to take a coffee break. I finished my coffee a lot earlier than usual. It was so because I was so much amazed by this beautiful landscape. I never went on a trip. It was my first time and Alone!

As soon as I finished the coffee I was fully energized. So, I decided to go for skiing again. Alex and Aarav asked me to go ahead and told me that they will come as soon as they finish their coffee.

I was skiing pleasantly but everybody knows that there is no peace in my life. Out of nowhere, a guy hits me hard!

"I'm really sorry." He said whilst rubbing his head.

Sorry! Sorry! Really man?! Really?!

You lousy, fluff-headed damnable person who is full of shit, can't you see?!!

And all I said was-

"It's fine. Happens to everybody." I said with a composed face but inside I was raging. With so much struggle I learned skiing and this man ruins it!

He's gone and I was on my way too but to my utter dismay, I forgot my way back! Where's the resort? It's all white, I can't find a way. Just to make my condition worse, a blizzard struck! Great!

Now I really can't see. Moreover, everybody's already gone! I can't even ask someone for directions. Maybe they already watched the weather forecast.

It's been half an hour since I've been struggling to find my way back. I am starting to freeze now.

'Nature under the softest touch hides treacherous claws.' Helen Keller was right!

Here's a familiar figure I see. It is Alexander! My happiness knows no boundaries!

"Aara! Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah! Now I am fine." I replied.

It is really hard to have a conversation in a blizzard.

"I'll take you back. Follow me."

"Can you see everything?"

"Pretty much I can. I am used to blizzards. Remember I am from Russia?"

"Yep. Got it."

At last, we were there. Aarav was waiting for us. He was worried sick but as soon as his eyes sat upon me he was relieved.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Aarav, I am fine. Don't worry."

"Thank god!"

He escorted me to my room.

"Aara." He said with some passion in his eyes and held my hands.

"Yeah, what?" I asked quizzically.

"I want to ask you something. Please don't be mad."


He took his time and then............

"Marry me!"


What is going on?! What the hell?!

I somehow feel light headed.

After an hour......

I am in my bed, what did just happen?!

"Hey, you are back. I lost you there for an hour." Aarav said with some relief.

"I know."

"You didn't give me an answer and fainted."

"Yeah! Whatever!"

"So, what do you say?"

"Go to hell!"

"Aara! Aara! Please! I will do anything!"

"Talk to my parents."

"Okay, then."

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