Chapter 9

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Finally, Takishimas were leaving.

My mom and Mrs. Takishima were both getting emotional.

My father and Mr.Takishima were talking about something seriously while shaking hands.

Here, Aarav and I were standing silently, pondering what to say at last.

"I'll miss you a lot." Aarav said sadly.

"I'll miss you too," I replied.



That made him smile. Thank god he smiled. Before that, his face was like he was going to cry.

So, again my life got normal.

"Honey! You have to go to Vivaan's home today. Get ready quickly. I'll drop you off." My mom said.

"Yes, ma getting ready," I said.

Finally, I was at Vivaan's home. It was a normal flat but well organized. The door was opened by his younger sister who then directed me to his room.

"Holy Cow!!! That's why you didn't come to school for so many days! " I exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah. That's why." He said in a bored tone.

Vivaan had a major fracture. His right leg was fractured. He told me how he ended up like this. He fell off the stairs after getting unconscious. The reason for his unconsciousness was mental stress and body weakness.

"So, you want to work upon the assembly thing?"

"Yes. We need to work."

We spent almost two hours and came up with a good skit.

"So, what do you prefer life or death?"

Out of nowhere, this man sitting in front of me with a fracture asks a completely unexpected question.

I checked if he had a fever but he then gave me a grim look. So, I kept my hand to myself.



"It's better to be dead than to be in this world's reality."

He smiled and nodded. It was like a deal taking place between two MNCs, though.

We sighed with relief. We know we are not the only ones broken.

After a week was our assembly and it went well but I screwed up my part. I was really upset but felt good when Mrs. Tripathi consoled me.

Now back to home.

"Mom I was thinking that I should visit Vivaan. He's got a fracture and his parents are away. So......" I said.

"Yeah, it's a good idea and also take your notes with you. He'll get some help for the school work."


The same flat again.

"Hey! Vinita!" I said.

"Hi." She said with exhaustion.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, I was just doing homework. I've got lot's and lot's of homework."

"Yeah, that's because we've got three days holiday."

"Yep. Brother is in his room."


Lights were off and there was a sad song playing in his room.

"You want to re- animate your heart,

You want to re- create your soul,

It's a windy night,

You dream of a Malibu sight...."

And then as a perfect retard, I burst into his room.

"HELLO! VIVAAN!" I shouted.

He got so scared that he hid under his blanket and was shaking.

"Who is it? Who is it?" he asked.

"It's me Aarayna."

"Oh! It's only you." He said with a sigh of relief.

"Sorry to scare you but you know what I hate this kind of aura. Lights out and sad song playing thing, I just hate it."

"Oh, it was just a mood swing."

"To hell with those mood swings. You could've listened to Eminem he never disappoints you."

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry. Why are you here?"

"Why am I here? Of course to visit you, to see that you are okay and to hand over you my notes which will help you with the school work."

"That's very thoughtful of you. Come take a seat. Thanks for coming."

"No problem."

"Now that you are speaking. I would like to know the reason of your loneliness and silence."

"It's my nature."

"That's not the truth, something changed you. What it is?"


He then gave me a look which says that 'if you don't tell me, I am going to torture you, burn your novels in front of you and then I am going to kill you."

"Tell me." He spoke like he was a drug lord or a gangster.

"Okay. Okay. It's a long story."

"I want to hear it."

After getting myself together I started.

"It's that, I lost a friend...... she died."

I acted like it was nothing but deep inside I knew I was going to cry a lot, if he asks..


"She was......hit by a car. It was an accident."

And so I did cry a lot.

"Oh! I am sorry. Hey! Please stop crying."

After a lot of consolations and tissues, I stopped.

We remained in silence. Neither he could think of anything to say nor me.


"So, that's the reason?"

"Yeah, you know the driver was drunk. Moreover he got bail after 3 days. He behaved like it was nothing to him. I hate people. Most of the people said that it was her fault. Walking on the footpath was her fault! She was my bestfriend. She was the only one I had. She cherished me and I cherished her. But my damned life I lose at last."

"I can't believe that he got bail and the blame was put upon her."

"Yeah that's the worst part. How could it be her fault?"

"Pain alters our personality. So you were in depression all this while?"


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