Chapter 14

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It is been a month since I gave the test and tomorrow is the result declaration day.

My mother and father already started praying to god for good.

Well, I think we shouldn't expect or assume, if anything is supposed to happen it'll happen.

Next day I and my father will go together to check the result.

They are dead serious about it!

Finally, the day is here.

"Aara, why are you dressed up like you are going to a funeral." My dad asked.

I was wearing a black t-shirt with avengers symbol on it, with a black jacket, black denim's jeans, and black Adidas anklet shoes.

Is it that bad?

"On Wednesday's we wear black," I replied.

"Is it a line from A.H.S.?" he asked with a funny grumpy look.

"Yes," I replied.

"You will never change, will you?"


Then we gave mom a warming hug and got into our Honda City Amaze. After an hour's drive and encountering rain and sunshine along the way we reached there.

Again that fricking big place. The best thing about this building is that it is refreshing to eyes and has a modern outlook.

By the way, I didn't expect media to be here.

"Okay! Aara! Let's go near those screens." Dad said enthusiastically.

"Nope dad. You go." I said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll just stay here. You see the results and let me know."

"Okay, then."

Results were going to be declared after 15 minutes.

"Hey! Man check out this dead chick!" one boy said.

"Oooh, why dressed so deadly, huh, girl?" his friend asked.

They both need personality development classes! Both of them were dressed up like beggars! They wore extra loosed t-shirts and trousers. GOD! SAVE! ALL!

"In case you both die," I replied and looked away with classy attitude. I wish I had glasses so that I could wear them while looking away.

They both went away murmuring something about me.

At last, the results were declared and the screens started showing names and ranks. I see my father running towards me with an amazingly happy expression.

He held my shoulders and started shaking me.

"Aara! Aara!............" he gasped. "You got First Positon Internationally!"

"It's not possible dad," I said with deadpanned face.

"BELIEVE! ME!" he said.

"Okay. I'll check it out."

When I glanced at the screen, I was stunned! I can't believe it! My name was on the top! Second was that blond Alexander Ivanov and third was that nerd girl I talked to, Sophie Jansen.

I was screaming inside with happiness. I turned to join my dad but there was media. I was facing so many flashlights. They were coming like a tsunami as soon as they got aware of the fact that I was the winner. I could only catch one question out of so many – "What will you do now?"

I replied "Eat. Sleep and repeat." I won't change.

They were all confused, with a lot of struggle I made my way out, found my dad and hugged him tightly.

In all of these flashlights I won't forget my dear ones.

Media again came but this time guards saved us.

"Congrats, my dear!" dad said joyfully.

"Thank you! Dad!" I said with the same level of joy.

"Hi! Aara!" two voices said. Those were Alexander and Sophie.

"Oh! Hi! Alexander and Sophie." I said.

"Congrats girl!" Alex said.

"Congratulations Aara!" Sophie said giving me a warm hug.

"Thank you!"

"So I think it's time to get the awards," Alex said.

"Sure!!" Sophie and I exclaimed.

The chief guest, I didn't know who he was [who cares! I won!] rewarded us with medals, cash prize, certificates and a trip.

I got a cash prize of 1 Lakh rupees. We all won a trip to Bozeman, Montana. A week's trip!

While going back, my dad was still wide-mouth-opened.

"Dad? Dad? Dad?!"

"Yeah! What?"

"Shut your mouth or you'll catch flies."

"Oh...uh......sure. Sorry."

When we reached home and made mom full aware of the event, she had a wide-eyed face. She was amazed!

We had an amazing dinner. Mom cooked my favorite dish and dessert.

Of course, Takishima called.

"Hi! Aara!" he said with a little bit of awkwardness.

"Hey! Aarav!" I said with joy.

"I am still sorry and how was the result?"

"It's okay. I forgive you. As in for result, I grabbed the first position."


"Yeah. I won medals, certificates, a cash prize and a trip."

"Wow! Congrats!"

"Thank you!"

"Which place?"
"Bozeman, Montana."


"What happened?"

"Nothing. I need to go. Bye. Take care."

"Yeah. Bye."

What a weirdo!!!

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