Chapter 15

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"Did you pack your jackets?" mom asked with concern.

"Yes. I did." I replied.

"Did you pack your cold creams, perfumes, caps –"

"Mom, I've packed every necessity. Don't worry I'll be fine."

"I was just concerned."

"I know and I love you."

"I love you too."

"Bye, dad. Love you."

"Bye dear. Love you too." Dad said with a warming hug.

We were at the airport. Alexander and Sophie were already there.

"So, all set to go?" Alex asked.

"Yeah! Come on! Let's go!" I exclaimed.

"Sure," Sophie said.

Sophie's phone rings. Here is the not-so-good news. She told us that her grandmother is very sick. So, her parents and she need to go. Her grandmother wants to see her.

So, from here on it's just Alex and I. Sad Sophie couldn't go. Instead of taking a flight to Montana, she'll be taking a flight to Holland.

First time ever, I saw an airplane from the inside. It was amazing! We were traveling in business class. It was really comfortable.

"You, first time on the plane?" Alex asked.

"Yes!" I replied in extreme excitement whilst observing everything.

"Hmmm. I figured that out by your wide smile."

We laughed. After some time an air hostess gave instructions, we wore our seatbelts and finally, the plane took off.

It was a day's flight, we talked and joked. I also slept a lot. Alexander described how Russia is, how Indian economy and Russian economy is different and also he told me that how he got a tight slap from a girl to whom he proposed. That was harsh. He is really gentle and joyful. She could've said no by using words.

After a day-long flight, we were there.

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