Chapter 7

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Sarah's P.O.V

Eventually my demons were so uncontrollable that I just had to go to Dallas before my cutting streak broke, it's just a week but that's an improvement for me.

I've always asked, why does Demi hate me? Why does Dallas love me so much? I'm pathetic.

But then I realize there are people there for you, you just gotta let them be there for you. If you want to be happy you have to show it and feel it.

I've been doing that a lot. Just feeling happy and energetic and just being back to my old self, not my depressed, anxiety attack girl.

Dallas has helped me so much, I actually don't even know if I would be alive if it wasn't for her. I love her so much.

Dallas's P.O.V

I started looking online for cute furniture for our new house and I was obsessed with these cute pillows I found and all these home decorating supplies, I felt like I was in heaven!

I called over Sarah because it's her house too, and asked her what kind of decor she wanted, like a theme or something. She said "Artsy Tumblr" and I loved it! It gave a perfect glam to both of our personalities and gave it some pop!

I feel a new sense of era when Sarah walks in the room, she's so happy now a days and it just makes my heart glow and she is my world and everything I do, is for her.  She's so happy and I'm so freaking proud of her.

I was so proud so I decided to write her a letter

     Dear Sarah,
  I'm so proud of you, your much happier and it warms my heart. Thank you for becoming stronger and going back to being your old self. I've always loved you and
Always will love you <3
- Love, Dallas

I think that's enough, so I folded it and wrote her name on the top really beautifully and placed it on her pillow including a box of chocolates! It's her favourite kind of course.

Hey guys! Thanks for the reads but comment and vote for suggestions on the book. I feel like this isn't good :/

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