Chapter 13

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Sarah's P.O.V

Heya, Demi makes me want to cut so deep that my feelings and sadness go away. Demi is the reason that I want to die. I don't get bullied that often, but I get bullied by my very own sister.
I know I know your heard this from me before but honestly I'm done.

But overall I'm a happy person, it's just that when I'm in contact with Demi whether it's through text or physically I just want to curl up in a ball and pass out or possibly die. What did I do! I never did anything to Demi!

The only thing I ever did was tell Mom that Demi was cutting and so I told just to make sure that Demi would quit cutting and purging. I know when people aren't fine. I know when your not 100% and honestly it's saddening to think Demi hates me for telling mom.

Dallas's P.O.V

I was working before I heard the door slam open and I heard heavy breaths. I instantly knew it wasn't Maddie because she at the mall then going to her friend's house for a sleepover, I ran down to see Sarah breathing really loudly and fast, she ran to me and hugged me with all her might.

I asked what was wrong and she answered with a "Demi". I cried inside because of that word. I instantly knew that Demi was here and I had a feeling that she isn't leaving so soon.

What the hell am I supposed to do now.    We talked and we cried and we just embraced ourselves in a humongous hug. I felt so bad, and I was so angry.

I heard a knock thinking it was a relative or one of Sarah's friend so I ran down to the door and saw Demi when I whipped the door up.  We started arguing and fighting and hopelessly hoping that Sarah wouldn't come down. I was wrong, she came down and was screaming, and at the point I knew we needed to move once again. I'm so happy.... note the sarcasm.

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