Chapter 22

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Sarah's P.O.V

My life crumbles, i've had a fairly big family but i've always felt alone. Alone is what I feel right now. I have Dallas and Maddie and Mom and Eddie, I just don't feel like connected to them anymore. My life has been fairly busy now a days, well if you count always hanging out with my friends to distract myself then yes. I've been busy.

Demi has left for tour again, thank god. I just wish It didn't have to be like this. I've suffered enough right? School is pretty good actually no ones talking about me in front of me. Maybe behind my back but no one is confronting me. I'm getting good grades and I'm turning 17 this year. I really hope I get a car this year for my birthday. It's in 1 month exactly.

Mom banned Demi from their house and ours, she basically put an unofficial restraining order on her. I know I shouldn't say this but I love it. It's not legitimate but it's close enough. Eddie is super disappointed with Demi, He finally realized she's was always being stuck up to him.

I also had to get a new phone because I broke the other one, I smashed it on the hard concrete roads when I was running home last week from the absolute horror concert. I lost the phone so I also had to get a new sim card, damn how many times will I change my number. You probably don't care but I got the iPhone 8 in gold, it's absolutely gorgeous!


That's it, Chapter 22. Thanks for Reading! 💞

Also, FOLLOW MY INSTA:  _samr.a

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