Chapter 19

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This chapter is inspired by the lovely heeatherr225

Sarah's P.O.V

It was time for our annual family meeting. But, you're probably wondering "you guys are in Arizona how are you supposed to go to Texas now for just one meeting"

Demi had just finished her Believe Tour and her last stop was Arizona of course we didn't let her stay at our place, she can get her snobby ass and stay at a hotel.

But Mom and Eddie always travel with Demi so they were with her and Maddie, Dallas and I were at home like normal.

Anyways back to the story, we had decided to go the meeting cause we didn't want to piss of our parents. We decided that the meeting would take place at Panera Bread a local cafe and snake place.

We got in the car and we traveled 20 mins downtown just for this stupid meeting. Demi insisted that it couldn't be in the hotel and we would not let Demi come to our new place considering the circumstances that she came to my house then and we had to move again.


I was pretty nervous and also scared because we hadn't seen Mom & Dad for so long cause she cared for Demi more then for us.

We reached Panera Bread and we walked in and soon enough after we got a table they had arrived. Demi of course had to look super extra and "rich" and wear a humongous faux fur coat.

We waved to mom and dad and ignored Demi because I'm not going to talk to her. She has a concert tonight at 8 and we ALL have to go. Mom and dad weren't having it and that we could not miss it. Something about supporting your sister. Talk about lies that Demi says. She had told Mom that we had said her career was fake and she didn't deserve it.

When obviously we didn't. So annoying. I honestly feel bad for Maddie, They used to be so close but then when Demi got mad at Maddie for standing up for me Demi called her a slut,whore,fat and more.

We sat down and immediately mom said we needed to sort out our problems, Like no. It's your perfect daughter's fault anyway.

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