Chapter 12

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Sarah's P.O.V

I felt furious as I saw that Demi was at the local coffee shop. I ran out but managing to put a 5 dollar bill on the table and walked out, or more like ran out. I can't believe she's here. She's supposed to be in L.A or her tour!!

Whatever I thought as I ran back to our house. I ran up to Dallas and told her that she was there. Dallas told me everything will be alright and thank god we live in a different house now.

As soon as Dallas stopped talking and we just embraced in a large hug we heard a knock on the door. We figured t was Maddie or someone from our family so Dallas went and opened the door. I heard screaming and yelling and a few cuss words. I ran down with a terrified look on my face expecting A Robber or a crazy fan girl.

Once I reached down the stairs I freaked. It was the Demi Lovato. What was she doing in our house. I don't know but one thing is for sure that Dallas was red and had cussed the shit out of Demi. I screamed at Demi saying "What the FRICK are you doing here! You followed me you creep!" As I yelled.

Demi only replied with a "I'm back bitch" and that was enough for Dallas and I to jump on top of her and throw a few punches and the f words.

Demi's P.O.V

I can't believe it! I saw Sarah at our local coffee shop. She looks so ugly haha she might get our biological dads side face. It's so ugly I think I'm gonna pass out. She saw my beautiful face and her save turned pale. She ran out but not before throwing a 5 dollar bill on top of the table.

I managed to follow her back form where she came from and then I realized this isn't our house. She got her key and walked in.

I waited in my car a while and then realized it's enough and I got out of
My crazy expensive car and knocked on the door. Dallas opened it and screamed and yelled at me. At first I was surprised, I mean Dallas is my sister. But she left me for ugh Sarah.

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