Chapter 1: Spawn of Satan currently making out with a cardboard cut-out

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A Taste of Sweet Ecstacy


Just a friendly warning - don't copy or steal my writing because I will find you and cut you.


This book is complete now and I will be editing chapters 1-18ish because i think they're just a bit rough but after that it starts to get a lot better trust me!

New book trailer to the side or link here:

Chapter 1: Spawn of Satan currently making out with a cardboard cut-out

Okay, I get the whole becoming a 'woman' thing because we all went through it at one stage, but as I'm watching my thirteen year old sister dancing with a cardboard cut-out of Hairy Dick face from that obnoxious band One Direction, I'm starting to question my sisters sanity. Oh and she doesn't even know that I'm watching her make a total fool out of herself because she is too busy making goo-goo faces at Harry.

"Oh Harry, stop it. You're making me blush!" My sister Cara purred.

See what I mean? She's freaking insane. Ok, I would blame it on puberty but I'm pretty sure puberty doesn't make you talk to cardboard, but whatever, maybe I'm adopted. I pulled out my phone and started to take a video of the idiot.

"Boo!" a voice whispered in my ear making me jump and nearly drop my phone. I spun around to view the culprit, seeing that it was my mom made me visibly relax. I raised an eye brow at her and she motioned for me to follow her out of speaking range so we wouldn't get caught by my sister.

"How many times have I told you to stop making fun of your sister?" Mom scolded in a playful tone. See my mom and I are so alike we could pass as sisters unlike me and the spawn of the Satan currently hitting on a cardboard cut-out. She stands at 5'7 with her dark brown hair that is identical to mine. She has an hour glass figure that highlights her rounded hips that she was blessed with from her latina background. It's a blessing and a curse to have such a beautiful mom because back in middle school when she used to pick me and my brothers up, all the kids would be drooling over her.

Leaning against the wall with my arms folded, I rolled my eyes at my mom, "Well if she wasn't such a freak maybe I'd actually consider not making fun of her."

Now this time it was my mom's turn to roll her eyes at me. "Whatever Adrianna, I'm just letting you know that, Cara's going to a friend's house and your dad and I are going out to dinner. Axel and Clay are staying home with you to make sure you stay out of trouble." She winked.

I held in a smirk at this, because you see my brothers are airheads and will probably just stay in their room all night playing COD. In other words I get to have fun tonight. Mwuahaha.

"Oh mom, I love how much trust you put in me." I put a hand on my chest to feign hurt. My mom scoffed and kissed me on the cheek before walking into her room.

Not wasting any time I ran into my room jumped on my soft queen bed and pulled out my phone from the back of my jean shorts. I sent a quick text to Belle informing her of the status of my adult free night tonight.

 Hey B! Get your ass over here in 1 hour because we have a hot date with a bottle of JD and vodka. – Adrian X


I was so nervous about posting this. It's my first ever peice of writing posted on wattpad. I promise it gets more exciting as you keep reading!

Oh and chapters are way longer than this!

Photo of Adrians mom to the side or if you're on the app up there ^

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Heres the link to the trailer -

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