Chapter 24: You look banging baby girl

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A/N: oh look what it is, another swoooooon chapter -sighs dreamily- why can't I have my own Archie :(  

BTW I REACHED 17,000 READS TODAY AND I'M LIKE SUPER EXCITED LIKE YOU CANNOT BELIEVE!  I love you all reading and thank you for making this happen for me! The comments I got in the last chapter, literally made my whole day! i was so happy and thats why i write for, to get those amazing reactions about how excited and happy it makes you! Anyways enough with the mushy stuff and more on Mr. Archie ;)


It's what Adrian and Archie both wore so yeah ok im leaving.

Enjoy babies xx

Chapter 24: You look banging baby girl

The first sign that I was lying on someone’s chest was the warmness that filled my body as our bodies moulded together perfectly. Or maybe it was the axe scent that attacked my nose and sent me to heaven. Or it could’ve been the hand teasing my insides as it glided up and down my bare thigh.

I cracked open one eye and peered up at the person, the first thing that caught my eye was that familiar strong jawline, then it was those plump lips, oh, and lastly it was those pool of blue eyes that had me on my knees quicker than you can say blow me.

Those god damn eyes.

When our eyes connected it was like a cold bucket full of water – ice cold water – being poured over me as the events from last night flashed through my eyes. Oh the lovely events, from Archie falling down the stairs – to him confessing his love for me – to the strange police officer – to him being cute and asking me to stay the night with him, and lastly – to  the revelation of my stupid feelings for the said bad boy.

Since when did my life become such a soap opera? I sighed to myself and searched Archie’s face for any recognition whilst ignoring the fact that our legs were tangled together underneath the covers and his wondering hand on my thigh. It’s not like it made my heart beat at an irregular speed or anything.

Before I could open my mouth to say anything, Archie beat me to it. “Did we finally do the dirty deed?” he smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at him, “No we did not.” A thought popped into my head, “But it seems like the towns resident bad boy is a…dare I say, cuddler.”

I smiled in triumph as I watched his cheeks tint with pink while he scratched the back of his head nervously. “Awwwww! Archie is blushing! How cute.” I poked his cheek, “This is a first, who knew I out of all people could make you blush.”

He glared at me and huffed, “I wasn’t blushing, shut up.”                               

“Uh-huh okay, whatever you say big boy.” I teased.

“Shut up.” He groaned, looking up at the roof.

Loving messing with him, I decided to do the opposite of what he asked. “Make me,” I chuckled looking at his face. Archie suddenly propped himself up on his elbows and narrowed his eyes warningly at me.

“Are you sure you want go there princess?”

His eyes darkened and a smirk was found on his face as he stared at me, “What are you going to do Mr. Bad Boy? Oh please don’t hurt me, I am sooooo scared.” I rolled my eyes.

Apparently that wasn’t the best thing to say because his eyes – if it were possible, seemed to darken even further as I watched him move forward slowly, and before I could even blink he was on top of me, straddling my thighs and tickling the absolute shit out of me, and let me tell you one thing, I hate being tickled – it is the worst thing ever. And that explains why the asshole decided to do just that, because he knows.  Well I guess that is the downside of having him as my best friend for part of my childhood. He knows my weaknesses.

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