Chapter 27: Are your man boobs hurting?

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A/N: Here's the late chapter you've all been waiting for :) Next update will be saturday lovelies xx

Chapter 27: Are your man boobs hurting?

It was Wednesday afternoon and it had been about 5 days – not that I was counting – since Archie officially asked me to be his girlfriend…that word still gives me goose bumps when I think about how amazing it sounded coming off his tongue. These past 5 days have been great as a couple, and if I was being honest, it didn’t really feel any different to how we normally were, except for the extra kisses here and there but apart from that nothing has changed. He still makes pervie comments that have me blushing like crazy, and he still teases me to no end.

I was laying on the soft grass in my front yard with Cara on one side and Belle on the other. Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that Cara came home a few days ago – and let’s just say it wasn’t a peaceful welcome home she was expecting. Clay was red with anger after he heard about Cara’s little incident with the school and grounded her for a month, whereas Axel just sat there watching with amusement as his twin shouted till his face was red with anger at his baby sister. I on the hand was pre-occupied with Archie in the bedroom – stop right there, we weren’t doing anything, okay actually I lie – we were doing something, just not the type you’re thinking. We were re painting my ceiling a dark blue, and he replaced my old glow in the dark stars with brand new ones. It was all his idea surprisingly, and I thought it was cute.

I even told him how cute I thought it was but he didn’t feel the same way.

“What do you want to do today?” I rolled over in my bed on my stomach so that I was resting my chin on top of his bare chest. I watched his eyes travel around my ceiling, a small smile playing at his lips as he scanned over the stars that aren’t so much glowing in the dark anymore.

“I was thinking we should re paint your ceiling and get some fresh stars for your ceiling. What do you think princess?” his eyes met with mine and I got lost in his deep sea of blue for a moment. It was like an illusion – it was confusing and mind-fucking but you couldn’t tear your eyes away.

“Adrian? Did I say something wrong? We don’t have to do–” I clamped a hand over his mouth, finally snapping out of it and grinned at him.

“No. I just lost myself for a sec. I think that’s a great idea, you’re so cute Arch.” I traced my finger over his lips and grinned wider when his teeth came out and tried to nip them.

“Adrian those are the last words a man wants to hear their girlfriend call them.” He groaned.

His cheeks tinted a light shade of pink and I couldn’t help the giggle that came out from me, “What, cute? But you are cute.” I poked his cheek.

He groaned again and rolled his eyes at me, “Can’t you call me sexy or hot? Even panty dropper works for me.”

This time I rolled my eyes at him and slapped his chest, “No, because that’ll be feeding your ego and it’s big enough already.”

He snapped his head towards mine and travelled his eyes down my body and I shifted nervously, “Well if you don’t want to feed my ego…” his eyes rested on my lower parts and my eyes widened, “Can you at least feed me something else…”

I think it’s safe to say we both know what that led to – I slapped him on the head and he bellowed out in laughter – no he didn’t leave French kisses between my knees.

The sound of the front door slamming shut and the footsteps that followed snapped me out of my memory and I turned my head to see my boyfriend or should I say husband? I really have no clue – walking downwards to us. He smirked at my attire which I was confused at since I was in a bikini – oh right I forgot I was in a bikini. Belle, Cara and I voted against going to the beach because we couldn’t be bothered driving, so our front lawn would have to do.

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