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“You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast.” – Catherynne M, Valente.

Ever since I was a little girl and my mother bought me my first tiara and too-too I wished for the perfect guy. I wished for a prince. I wished for my own very prince to save me like I watched happen in the Disney movies. I wished for him to sweep me off my feet and make me his entire world.

Luckily enough I found my own prince charming, and as well as sweeping me off my feet – his devilish looks swept my panties off also.  He was nothing like the other guys I had dated, no he was triple times the man that they ever would be. I would say fate had a tricky way of putting us together but I wouldn’t know for sure. I just knew that whatever it was, it was destined that Archie and I were meant to be. He was my soulmate, my other half. Without him – as cliché as that sounds – I wouldn’t be complete.

“Where’s daddy? I want him to kiss me goodnight as well.” Sapphires soft voice spoke up as I pulled her pyjama top over her head. I smiled at her pouted lips and brushed her messy brown hair that she inherited from me off her face. I think it was safe to say my daughter was ready for bed from the eventful day of her fourth birthday party. We had all the family over and it was exhausting to say the least. I lifted her up and tucked her into bed like I did every other night and kissed her on the cheek.

“Daddy will be up soon to kiss you, he’s just saying bye to Uncle Axel and Clay.” By the time I finished my sentence her eyes were already drooping so I knew she’d be out of it by the time Archie came up. I stood up and brushed my hands over my black tight pencil skirt before giving her another kiss.

“Happy birthday Saph,”

Once downstairs I was greeted with two small bodies colliding with my own, knocking the wind out of me.

Mommy! Jake called me a butt brain and said you loved him more than me.” 5 year old Brayden had tears in his eyes as he clutched my waist tightly. On the other side I had Jake squeezing equally as tight.

“I did not call you a butt brain!” Jake hissed at his brother then looked up at me with puppy dog eyes, “Even Uncle Axel told me that mommy loves me more, I’m cuter.”

Oh boy, this was nothing new. Both Brayden and Jake were big mamma’s boys and the competition was never ending. Jake always told Brayden that I loved him more and vice versa. I loved both my boys equally. They took after their father how could I not? Both were blessed with the same ocean blue eyes and dark hair. They were an exact replica of my husband.

“Nuh-uh, I’m cuter! You’re ugly.” Brayden stomped his feet and stuck out his tongue. I would’ve laughed at the sight of them arguing over who’s cuter if I wasn’t their mother and knew it would only confuse and influence them.

“Boys, firstly you’re Uncle Axel is a butt brain and doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” I gave a pointed look to my brother who was lounging on our leather couch with his wife Gabby. Yes ladies and gentlemen I know but man-whore of a brother finally found someone to knock some sense into him. They married early last year and are almost as sickening as Clay and Belle who were expecting their second baby soon.

I looked back at my boys, “Secondly, I’ve told you countless times that mommy loves you both equally and thirdly you both look the same, you’re twins – therefore you’re both just as cute as each other. Now no more fighting understand? It makes mommy sad.”

They both looked at each other guilty before nodding in sync, “Sorry mommy.”

I smiled at their pouted faces; I could never stay mad at these two. I bent down and wrapped my arms around both of their tiny frames before giving them a kiss on the cheek, “You’re forgiven. Now I think it’s time for bed don’t you think? Your daddy was supposed to be in charge of that but clearly that was too hard for him to do.” I narrowed my eyes at the said man who just walked into the room with a guilty look on his face.

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