Chapter 14: Cheers to the freakin' weekend, I drink to that yeah yeah

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If you look to the side, there's a photo of Adrian's dress.

Happy reading bitches

Chapter 14: Cheers to the freakin’ weekend, I drink to that yeah yeah

I opened my eyes groggily then shut them closed again to the sound of girly boisterous singing. Who the hell is singing like that? I rolled over on my bed to check my phone and suddenly I was falling.  Landing on my butt I groaned and opened my sleep covered eyes to see how I managed to fall off my bed only to see that my bed, was in fact not a bed at all. It was the stupid fùcking couch Archie made me sleep on last night. Speaking of Archie, where was that idiot? I looked at the bed to see it empty and the sheets rumpled. Shrugging it off, I stood up and rubbed my backside from the pain and stumbled into the bathroom with my eyes still thick from sleep.

I opened the door and walked to the sink and turned the water on to wash my face. After I washed my face, I reached for the towel with my eyes closed as my fingers touched the material, I felt an oddly warm pair of fingers. Woah wait, FINGERS?  I snapped my eyes open and was my guess was right, it was indeed a set of fingers. Very manly, long and sèxy fingers…Stop thinking about how good the fingers look and focus on who those damn fingers belong to and what they’re doing in your shower! Could it be Archie? Was the singing coming from him?

I stifled a giggle at the thought of bad boy Archie singing ‘Oops, I did it again’ by Britney Spears. Who knew the man whòre had a secret love for Britney.

I need to leave before he catches me and thinks I’m some pervert checking him out in the shower. Before I could even take another step to leave, the shower curtains opened and revealed a very shocked Archie.

“What the fùck?!” Archie let out a girly scream.

But I wasn’t paying any attention to his freak out, oh-no my eyes were betraying me as they travelled from his face, down to his sculpted and perfect body that would make any normal hormonal girl drool. Just  before I got to his member, he finally snapped out of his shock state and grabbed a towel to cover his lower body. Damn, it was just getting good.

Oh shìt.

Realising I had been openly checking out Archie I snapped my eyes back to his and he had his trademark smirk plastered on his face as he spoke cockily.

“Damn princess, if you wanted to see me naked so badly, all you had to do was ask.”

I flushed crimson and cursed myself internally for being so stupid. He walked closer to me, still in his towel and suddenly I could breathe, I was too focused on what was underneath that damn towel.

“Now that you’ve seen me naked, I think it’s only fair that I see you naked.” He grinned at me, and tugged the end of my shirt. Snapping out of my hormonal trance, I cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes at him.

“I don’t think so, buddy,” I chuckled darkly and gestured my hands to the door. “Now, get out.” I spat.

He looked taken back at my tone and reluctantly walked out of the bathroom into our sharedhotel room. I sighed to myself as I looked into the mirror and took a glance at my flustered state. My cheeks were slightly tinged with a red and my eyes were wide. What am I going to do with him?

I jumped into the shower and let my thoughts wonder to the kiss we shared last night. The thought made me shiver under the water and I closed my eyes to relish the feeling. His lips felt so warm and soft even though he was kissing me like a starved animal. Anger surged through me though when I remembered how April plonked her fat àss. Ok, she isn’t fat, in fact she actually looks borderline anorexic but whatever. She plonked her ass on Archie’s lap and kissed alongside his jaw about an hour after we had kissed. Hurt shot through me like a fùcking bullet when Archie made no move to get her off and stop the kissing.

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