Chapter 31: I got a date with Mr. Bubbles

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Sorry for the late one, enjoy xx

Chapter 31: I got a date with Mr. Bubbles

The morning after I was pulled out of my sleep by a soft, yet deep voice singing a familiar tune, I smiled not having to open my eyes to know whose voice it belonged to. That, and the fact that I was practically using Archie as a pillow for my whole body would be a big give away. Fluttering my eyes open to look at the said person, I saw that he was in his own little world, staring out into the floor to ceiling windows that allowed the sun to glare in because we were too preoccupied with exploring each other’s bodies last night to remember to shut the curtains.

Instead of getting his attention, I just let him be for a few minutes while I took the time to just really admire how good looking my boyfriend actually is. My eyes started from his forehead down to his beautiful blue eyes and perfect nose. I moved down his face along his strong jawline and noticed slight stubble forming over his face. If I were being honest, it made him look all the more sexier than he already was. My eyes stopped at his lips and I licked my own when a memory of how talented his mouth is popped into my head. I was so transfixed on his lips that I didn’t notice he had stopped singing and was just staring at me with a knowing smirk until he cleared his throat.

“Done checking me out Adrian?” he licked his lips teasingly. My eyes snapped to his and I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I realised I had been caught checking him out.

I didn’t give him a reply; instead I just buried my face into his neck, my face going redder when I felt his deep chuckle vibrate through me. I shivered as his hands trailed up and down my bare back softly, it was relaxing – until I realised that I was fully naked in a bed next to a fully naked Archie.

Well, that usually happens when two people who love each other very much decide to–

Sometimes my conscience is a massive bitch.

I shoved the thought of me being completely naked to the side – because he’s already seen me, all of me last night and he wasn’t disappointed then, so he shouldn’t be now.

“How are you feeling Princess?” Archie pulled me closer to him, my head moved from his neck to his chest and I lightly traced over the colourful drawings on his skin with my fingers.

How was I feeling? “Content, a little sore here and there – but fine nonetheless.” I pecked his chest.

Archie sighed frustrated, “I’m sorry I hurt you, dammit, I should’ve gone slower but it was just too hard – I lost control Adri, I’m so sorry.”

I rolled my eyes at him then slapped him on the chest, “Shut up Archie. Relax, I’m fine, and if I remember clearly, it was me who was asking you to go faster.”

All signs of guilt disappeared from his face as a smirk rose, “Ah yes, If I remember clearly, you were screaming – ‘Oh don’t stop Archie you amazing sex god’ – like a crazy woman, not just the first time or the second or the third but, all four times.”

I blushed scarlet as he mimicked what was supposed to be my sex voice in a high pitched girly scream. I did not sound like that and I did not utter such words.

“Archie!” I squealed kicking my feet as he jumped out of bed butt naked and lifted me into his arms, carrying me bridal style. “What are you doing? Oh my god, Put me down!”

He just looked down at my naked form and bit his lip as his eyes met with mine finally, mischief firing through the blue orbs but also…adoration, “We’re going to have a bath.”

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