Chapter 29: Stop sexting me princess

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A/N: Okay so heres another chapter for you guys :) Also I'd like to thank each and everyone of you who are commenting and voting like crazy. It's amazing to hear what you're liking and disliking about the story! And shit, 40,000 reads! Wow, I honestly didn't think 4 months ago when I posted my first ever chapter and got like 100 reads in a week that I'd get to here with nearly 1,000 reads a day. I'm so thankful to everyone reading, I hope you're all enjoying it!  Love you all! xx


Chapter 29:  Stop sexting me princess

“So it’s your eighteenth birthday soon Ads, what are we going to do?” Belle asked me as we walked through the mall.

We decided to have a girl’s day out and leave the boys with Cara at home since she was grounded and all. Belle nearly had to drag me out of the house because I originally planned to spend the day with my boyfriend, but she reminded me about the invitation that came in the mail the other day for a wedding, addressed to the Mason family from their first cousin Theodora. Since she had written that Belle and Archie were allowed to bring a date – they obviously jumped at the chance to bring both me and Clay. Why you ask? Because Theodora is well, a massive bìtch.

I honestly didn’t want to go, because being friends with the Mason’s for as many years as we have, you practically get to know the whole family – meaning, I’ve met Theodora and she’s never liked me for some reason. She’s older than me by 4 years and when we were younger she used to pick on me with every chance she got and I always had the urge to kick her in the vàgina, but somehow I managed to control myself – this time though, I don’t know if I can.

Archie practically begged me to come even though I continued to say no, but I finally gave up when he shoved that stupid puppy dog face at me. I know, I know, – how pathetic.

So here we are on our girls’ day out looking for dresses to wear for Theodora’s wedding next week. 

“I don’t know to be honest, a party maybe? I haven’t really thought about it Belle.” I murmured distractedly as my eyes were solely focused on a dress shop coming into view.

“Well it’s like 4 weeks away Adrian! You need to figure this shit out or else we’ll be celebrating your birthday watching gossip girl re runs.” Belle huffed.

I rolled my eyes at her, “As weird as it is to say, I’d actually be happy with that.”

She halted in her steps and gripped my forearm, with her nails digging into my skin. I spun around and faced her to see her jaw hanging open and eyes filled with disbelief.

I bit my lip from laughing at her face and pried her nails out of my skin, “That hurt you bìtch.”

She blinked then recovered, “Sorry, I just don’t believe what I’m hearing. The Adrianna Winters would rather watch gossip girl re runs then get blind drunk on her eighteenth birthday?” she muttered to herself, eyebrows furrowing.

“Who said I’m not going to get drunk?” I smirked running a hand through my locks, “I can still drink a bottle of vodka while watching gossip girl.”

She shook her head again and was silent for a minute, “Why? What’s changed?” she asked.

I thought about that for a moment, what has changed? Archie. He has changed me. Not drastically – don’t stress. This isn’t going to be those love stories where the bad boy changes the good girl or in this case not so good girl…But he has changed me in ways that I don’t understand, but I do know that it’s a good change. I’m honestly just happy to sit on my couch watching movies with my boyfriend, best friend and brothers, drinking and enjoying each other’s company.

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