Chapter 15: I promise to make you chocolate chip pancakes everyday

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Hi there, yes you! love you

Chapter 15: I promise to make you chocolate chip pancakes everyday

You know when you wake up hating the world and everything in it because you have a hangover the size of Mount Everest and it feels like someone is pounding your head with a jack hammer repeatedly and all you want to do is strangle them?

Well I do, and let me tell you kids it isn’t fun. I feel like I got pushed in front of an incoming truck and got run over about 10 times. My whole body is aching and every time I try to open my eyes, my head throbs harder even more. It also doesn’t help that my mouth is as dry as the fùcking Sahara desert. I groaned out loud and rubbed my hand over my face to wipe the sleep from my eyes, as I did so I felt an arm and it was definitely not mine tighten around me and bring me closer into a warm chest.

Wait what! Warm chest? Arms?

I snapped my eyes open tilted my head back to the side and my predictions were right, it was a chest, a very delicious chest. My eyes widened as I lifted them up to see a very sexy looking Archie sleeping peacefully with one of his arms wrapped around my waist. Did we sleep together? Oh fùck, no. This cannot be happening! I didn’t feel like I had sèx but then again I can’t remember my own name at the moment so…

 I let a yelp and kicked Archie off the bed making him snap open his eyes and let out a shriek of surprise.

You know what this resulted in?

Me tumbling down with him and landing right on top of his naked chest.

Archie groaned and shut his eyes as if he were in pain then opened them up to look at me with surprise. We both stared at each other for a long moment; still with me on top of him trying to find out what in the world was going on. Finally I registered the position we were in and I scrambled up quickly to get away from him – even if he was one sexy specimen – only to be pulled back down by my wrist landing flat on top of him again causing him to let another groan from the impact.

“Fùck Adrian!” he groaned lifting his hand to rub over his face.

“Oh get off it Archie, you’re the one wh-” I started but stopped when my eyes caught what was wrapped around Archie’s wrist.  No, no, no, no, no, please no! I followed the chain to where it was leading to, eyes widening as I saw that it was attached to my wrist as well.

“Holy pineapples.” I whispered wide eyed.

“What are you on about? What are you loo-” he snapped his mouth shut and I realised he must’ve saw what I was looking at.

“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!” he exclaimed, both eyes wide as well.

“What does it looks like? It’s obviously handcuffs, you idiot.” I snapped.

How the fùck did we managed to get handcuffed? That is the million dollar question that I can't seem to answer because I don’t remember one damn thing from last night apart from walking down the strip wasted with Archie.

Did we have sèx? Maybe he likes the kinky kind of sèx and handcuffed me but because he was so drunk he handcuffed himself to me…

Archie lifted his wrist causing my hand to yank up with him. “Thanks for that, Captain Obvious.” He rolled his eyes at me. “I don’t remember how we got these on Adrian. Please tell me you do.” He pleaded.

“Shìt! What do you mean you don’t remember anything Archie? I don’t remember either.”

He sighed obviously frustrated with the situation. I looked around the room and realised that we weren’t in my room, so I assumed it was Archie’s.  I bit my lip trying to think of any explanation as to how I ended up in Archie’s bed handcuffed to him. I felt something poking into my thigh and I looked down at my thigh to see a bulge pressing into me, narrowing my eyes at Archie who just shrugged and smirked.

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