Chapter 10: Regina's telling me no, but my Tinkerbell's telling me yes

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Chapter 10: Regina’s telling me no, but my Tinkerbell’s telling me yes

“Oh for fùck sake.” Archie hissed.

I just simply smirked and folded my arms over my chest watching the scene before me, because all of this was too amusing for me. Holly was clinging to Archie like a little baby and he was trying to pry her off but she wasn’t budging.

“Holly get off me!” he whined.  She reluctantly let go of him but still kept her arm on his.

“Why? Didn’t you miss me?” she pouted. “You know we were good together…” he raised an eyebrow at her. “In bed.”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her pathetic lines. She directed her attention towards me and narrowed her eyes.

“Oh look Archie, you brought trash to my house.” She smirked.

I raised an eyebrow at her poor attempt to insult me.

“Holly, always a pleasure.” I nodded in acknowledgement and then smirked.

“What happened to you? It looks like Tinkerbell threw up on you.” I said gesturing my hands to her outfit that was covered in glitter and left little for the imagination.

She gasped and then frowned at me. “Well at least, I look better than you.”

I threw my head back and laughed, is she delusional? I looked over to Archie and saw that he was trying to hold in a laugh. 

“Ok Holly whatever you say.” I rolled my eyes and then cleared my throat. “Now, where is my sister?”


Sitting shotgun on the way back home, with Archie driving and an attention seeking tantrum making brat in the back seat I would say that I’m enjoying this car ride as much as I enjoy listening to Justin Bieber rap. After Holly came back with Cara I noticed that she lowered her top now so that you could see her fresh fake’s a little more, typical Holly move.  Anyways, after shoving her tits in Archie’s face and getting rejected for the billionth time she gave up and stormed off inside – but not before saying bye to Bradley.

“Adrian!” Cara whined.

I scowled to myself. “What is it Cara?”

“Can we stop at the mall? I need a new pair of shoes for school.” She said.

Not believing what I was hearing, I turned in my seat so that I was facing her. “A new pair of shoes for school?” she nodded. “Are you serious right now Cara? Dude, you go to school to learn not to impress your little clique with a new pair of louboutins.” I scoffed.

She rolled her eyes at me like I was the dumb one. “Ugh! Adrian, you don’t understand! I need to impress Elliott Scott so he will ask me to the dance!” she huffed. Archie snickered and Cara narrowed her eyes at him.

“I’m pretty sure Elliott Scott doesn’t care whether you wear flip flops or heels Cara.” I chuckled and shook my head. She just let out a strangled scream and huffed.

“Why don’t we go get some ice-cream instead?” Archie asked Cara.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Dude, I can’t. I’m on a diet gosh.”

This time it was my turn to roll my eyes, a diet really? She’s so dramatic. The last thing she needs to be on is a diet; she resembles a twig – that’s how skinny she is. I swear, it’s the girls she hangs out with – Olivia, and the two twins Ria and Tia; they’re like mini walking Regina George’s thinking they own the school. Cara isn’t too bad, she hasn’t reached the bitch stage yet; so there’s hope for her but she hangs around them every day so it’s only a matter of time.

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