Chapter 16

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I won't be going into great detail about the classes.. he.. sorry

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Freak walked out of the History of Magic classroom. Initially, he had been surprised when the teacher had turned out to be a ghost, but once he got over that, he realized that that was the only interesting thing about the class. At least he had gotten some rest.

Bulan, however, had taken it upon himself to pay attention to every word the professor said.

'You sssssshould be glad you have ssssuch an awessssome sssnake like me, otherwisssse you would never find out about the-'

'Bulan, please save it for later, I just got out of a history lesson, don't throw me into another...'

Bulan reluctantly complied. Freak looked down at his schedule. He had Defense against the Dark Arts next.

~~~~~~~~~~At DADA Classroom~~~~~~~~~~

In front of him there was a quivering, stuttering, cowardly lump of cloth. Quirrell had to have been the most inadequate teacher Freak had ever laid his eyes upon. He just hoped the next DADA class would be better, he didn't understand even one word the scared professor had said.

~~~~~~~~~~Free Class~~~~~~~~~~

All his classes were done and he had a free time before dinner, so he decided to go back to the dormitories. While he was walking he saw that many of the pictures were conversing and looking at him. He decided to stop at one of a man with a beard and a snake pendant hanging around his neck. The bottom of the painting was labeled Salazar Slytherin. The founder of the snakes' house looked back at him through steely eyes.

"What do you want child..?" he asked boredly.

'Do you sssspeak it..?' Freak asked. The founder jumped in surprise.

'Yes... you are a parselmouth?'


They regarded each other before Slytherin asked.

"What do you want?"

'How do the pictures work?'

"If there are any other pictures that are of the same person, then that person can travel between them."
Freak looked interested. 'Do you have more picturesssss?'

"I have one in Dumbledore's office."

Freak looked contemplative.

'Could you keep an eye on him for me?'

"I don't see why not."

With that, Freak gave a small smirk to the confused portrait before heading to Ravenclaw tower.

~~~~~~~~~~In the tower~~~~~~~~~~

Freak sat down on his bed and Bulan went onto his lap. He started to stroke his snake as he thought about his new advantage in the school.

They do say knowledge is power...'

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