Chapter 3

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Picture of Sky(Midnight) up top!

Ace's P.O.V

The rest of the night and day, I couldn't get Bambi out of my head. I was distracted at work and kept zoning out during meetings and phone calls, and they weren't just random ones, they were actually important, but I couldn't fucking focus!

Finally, at eight, I was off work. I decided to go back to the club to see if I could watch Bambi again. Ugh! I can't believe I have stooped so low as to go to a strip club to watch some girl. I have never searched for woman before, or made an effort, they always floated towards me, but for some reason, Bambi was different.

I didn't even know her real name for fuck's sake!


Two hours have passed since I arrived at Sin City, and I haven't even got a glimpse of Bambi. I felt like just another one of the clubs regulars, searching for a girl that was out of reach. Was she even working tonight? Did strippers take nights off? I would assume so...

"Hey Big Guy, looking for someone in particular?" I heard a feminine voice ask from beside me.

I look over and spot a pretty African American woman maybe ten years older than me. She had a bunch of thin braids that made up her black hair. Her outfit was a royal blue pant romper with a golden belt strapped around her waist that matched her shoes and necklace.

"Uh...yeah, I'm looking for Bambi?" I told her, watching as her expression morphed into one of understanding.

"They all are," she chuckles, before sobering up and facing me fully. "Why do you want to know? You seem different than the other low lives that come here for a good time and to forget about their own lady troubles?" she asks, tilting her head to the side.

"I can assure you I'm not some low life, nor am I here because of lady troubles. I was here the other night for my friend's bachelor party, well, a party would be overselling it. Anyway, I saw Bambi and I" I try, though it doesn't really sound good in my own ears.

"I see. Well, I gave her tonight off. The poor thing works two jobs and crazy hours. I have no idea how she functions," the woman shakes her head. "I'm Midnight by the way, but I give you permission to call me by my real name, which is Sky, just not while other people are around," she warns, pointing a well manicured finger at me.

"Ace King," I tell her, reaching my hand out to shake hers.

I watch as her face lights up with recognition.

"You are the heir to King Corp! You literally own half the buildings in this city and some all over. I can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier!" she explains, causing me to chuckle.

"So can you tell me where Bambi's other job is?" I ask.

"Why? Planning on stopping by?" she asks, nudging my arm.


"Ok then, she works at Jim's Gym as a self-defense trainer," she tells me, making me raise my eyebrows. "Hey, she's basically my security team while she's here, plus no man would actually hurt her anyway, but she's not afraid to hurt them," she chuckles as if recalling a memory.

"I see, well do you know her shift hours?"

"Um, well she should be at her home now, sleeping...I hope she is. Anyway, um, I think her first trainee tomorrow comes at seven in the morning. I think she only has three tomorrow," Sky informs me.

"Well she will soon have four," I smirk, taking out my phone. "What's Bambi's real name?" I ask as I look for Jim's Gym's number

"Bonnie Marcin," she replies simply.

(Note: the P.O.V change for her will now say Bonnie's P.O.V, now that you know her real name)

I nod, dialing the gym's number. It rings about four times before someone answers.

"Hello, I was wondering if I could sign up for self-defense training with a girl named Bonnie Marcin."

"Alright, just give me a second to put you into the system. What's your name?"

"Ace King."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone and I was worried they had hung up on me, but then the man spoke again.

"You're all set and ready to go Mr. King. Would you like to start tomorrow, we can fit you in at about noon?"

"That's perfect. Thank you."

"Have a nice night sir," then the line went dead.

I turned to Sky to find her smirking at me. I tilted my head with a confused expression on my face. What was that look for?

"Good luck with her..." she chuckles. "But just know, that if for any reason you break her heart, I will personally rip yours out myself. I have known her long enough to know that where she comes from is not a good place and it still affects her. She's barely a person as is, she's just a shell, well, majority of the time. It takes a while for you to get to know her, so be patient,' she advises me.

"Why are you telling me all of this, Sky?"

"Because I can see that she needs someone, and right now, I think you're the person she needs," she says before walking off. 'Don't screw it up," she yells back over her shoulder.

I smile to myself, knowing I get to see Bambi...nope, Bonnie tomorrow, even if she was pretty much unaware of it. She will probably be told soon. Maybe she will recognize me.

I will just have to see.

I walked out of the club with a smile on my face, imagining what tomorrow will bring me.

I can't wait!

God, I felt like a giddy teen boy all over again.

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