Chapter 14

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Picture of Mel up top!

Ace's P.O.V

Once I had gotten over my excitement and showered, I called my sister. Dressed in only a pair of boxers, I lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, waiting for her to pick up.

"What's up?"

"Hey, Mel. I need a favor," I say, getting straight to it.

"Of course you do. Shoot,' she chuckled on the other line.

"Well...there is this girl..."

"There's a girl!" she exclaims.

"Yes, now shut up. anyway, I invited her to Kayden's wedding as my date and she needs...a shopping companion. I said I would go with her, but she wants it to be a surprise so...are you free tomorrow?"

"Oh my god, yes! Of course! I can't wait to meet the girl that has captured you. What's her name? Tell me all about her?"

"Her name is Bonnie and well...she's not the type of girls you are used to," I say, unsure of whether to tell her everything.

"Well thank god for that. Now tell me everything," she gushes.

With a sigh and a stupid smile on my face, I tell her everything. Everything from the first time I saw her, all the way to a few minutes ago. I could tell Mel was excited by the way she always squealed into the phone, nearly succeeding in making me deaf.

"Awesome. She sounds great. Maybe she could teach me a few moves..." she mutters. "Anyway, yeah I'll be over around, two, how's that?"

"That's perfect. Just...don't scare her off or anything. She hasn't had a good past and I don't want anything messing this up," I warn.

"Yeah I understand. Alright, see you tomorrow big brother," she says, before hanging up on me.

With a small smile, I roll over and plug my phone in before looking over at the clock. It was now seven in the morning. I had a few hours to sleep before my training with Bonnie.

With that in mind, I lie back down on my back and close my eyes.


"You aren't protecting your face. You are still dropping your hands! Here," Bonnie sighs, coming over to me. "Get into your fighting stance."

She grips my forearms and repositions my arms so that they are guarding both sides of my face. She look up to meet my eyes and her breath catches, realizing how close we are.

"Um..." she clears her throat, taking a step back. "That's how you should keep your hands up. As soon as you are done throwing a punch, bring your hands back and guard your head. You don't need to lose a fight or die because you are stupid enough to leave your head unprotected," she says sternly, taking a few more steps back.

I nod my head in understanding, trying to focus on my position and not on Bonnie.

"Alright, do the combination twenty times in a row as fast as you can and as hard as you can, and remember to keep your hands up. Don't drop them just because you are tired, suffer through it," she commands and I nod, turning back to the punching bag.

Jab. Cross. Hook. Uppercut. Roundhouse. I did the combination twenty times, like she said, never dropping my hands and never losing power, even as my arms burned from the hard training session.

"Okay, good. We're done for today," she informs me, unwrapping her hands from our previous sparring match.

"Great. Mel should be over in about an hour, so let's get back to the house," I tell her, taking a sip of my water bottle as I swing the duffle bag over my shoulder.

"Alright, let's get going," she says, grabbing her own bag after she's done packaging her wraps and they are safely tucked into her bag.

I nod and walk out of the gym, Bonnie right behind me. I slide into the driver's seat and throw my duffle bag into the back, Bonnie doing the same once she gets into her seat. I start the car and soon we are on the road, heading home.

"Music?" I ask her, reaching for the radio.

"Yeah, sure," she agrees with a shrug, though I can tell her mind is elsewhere.

"Hey, you good?" I ask her, turning the radio on, but keeping it quiet.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about the wedding and what your sister will think of me," she says, looking out the window.

I frown, knowing that she thinks that everyone is going to hate her just because of her living conditions, her job, and lack of money. I hate snobby rich people the majority of the time. They were all judgmental bastards, and I can admit that I am just like they are sometimes.

"Hey, don't worry about anyone else. I told Mel about everything last night and she was cool with it, and most people at the wedding won't even be people that I know, so you'll be fine," I assure her, placing a comforting hand on her knee.

I give it a tight squeeze, before removing my hand and placing it back on the steering wheel as I watched the road.

"You said you told your sister, Mel, everything about me?"


"And she's okay with it all?"

"Yes, she actually thinks you're pretty amazing from what I told her. She was wondering if you could teach her a few moves," I inform her, causing her to chuckle.

"Ha, I'll see," she smiles.


Right at two, the doorbell rang. I give Bonnie a reassuring smile as we exit the living room and walk to the front door. Once again, we never get a chance to open it, because Mel just comes barging in.

"Seriously, what is the point of ringing the doorbell if you're just going to walk in?" I ask with a smile as I pull my twin in for a hug.

"I just want to let my presence known so that I'm not greeted by an empty doorway. Plus it gives your fat ass a reason to work out,' she chuckle before looking over and seeing Bonnie.

Her eyes widen as she takes in Bonnie's appearance. Bonnie is dressed in a pair of high wasted olive green short jean shorts and a black halter-top half shirt. One her feet were a pair of black sandals and a pair of sunglasses sat up on her head. I have to admit she looked fucking sexy, but she always looked sexy to me, so I was a little bias.

"Girl! You look hawt!" Mel says by a way of greeting, causing Bonnie's cheeks to blush, as she chuckle.

"Thanks. I'm Bonnie," she says, sticking her hand out for Mel to shake.

"I'm Melina, his twin sister, but everyone call me Mel,' she says, shaking Bonnie's hand. "So ready to go?"

"Yeah I'm good," Bonnie, says, tucking her hands into her back pockets.

"Aright-y. See you later Ace. I'll be back to crash your guys' night, so be prepared," Mel calls, dragging Bonnie out of the door.

Bonnie turns around, looking over her shoulder, shooting me a pleading look.

"Help me!" she mouths, but I just chuckle and shake my head, closing the front door after them.

I pity Bonnie. She doesn't like shopping and my sister is a shop-holic.

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