Chapter 8

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Picture of Ace up top!

Bonnie's P.O.V

I walked out of the guest-no-my room, with a smile on my face. It was now eight, the longest I have slept in in a while. I navigated my way through house, attempting to make it to the main level to start on cooking to help repay Ace for his kindness.

I finally made it to the stares and hopped down them as the cool tiles touched my bare feet. I made it to the bottom of the steps, tying my hair up into a messy bun as I made my way through the archway, finding myself in the beautiful living room.

I took in the massive television hanging above the beautiful fireplace, surrounded by the expensive black couches. A coffee table sat in front of the largest black couch, which sat in front of the T.V, on top of a nice cream colored rug, the was no doubt worth more than my life. The shiny hard wood floors made the room feel homier.

I sigh and look around, finding two separate open archways on each side of the living room. I decided to try and go right, attempting to find the kitchen. I walk into it and am relieved to find the kitchen, but my breath catches and a strangled gasp escapes through my lips.

Ace was standing in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water, but that wasn't the weird thing.


Ace was shirtless with only a pair of low-slung basketball shorts on, his well-defined body glistening with sweat.

I stare at him, my mouth hanging open as I drink in his good looks. I hear him let out a small shriek as he finally spots me, spilling water on himself and successfully snapping me out of my staring.

I watched as the water slid down his body and disappeared in the waistband of his shorts, before moving my burning face up to Ace's, only to find Ace's panicked face turning into a knowing smirk.

God damn it! He got me staring at me!

Ace's P.O.V

I walk in the house, my breaths coming out in pants as I make my way towards the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I just got back from my morning run, and I was in desperate need of water after the long seven mile run.

I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it up from the fridge with the cool liquid. As soon as it was full I tilted my head back and took a large sip.

I heard a shocked, feminine gasp, causing me to let out a small shriek and plash the cool water all over my sweaty chest.

I found Bonnie standing there with her face bright red and her eyes glued to the water droplets sliding down my chest and abs. I watch as her eyes travel up and finally meet mine, and I allow a smirk to take over my features.

She was staring!

", I was going to m-make breakfast. Are you h-hungry?" she asks, slowly getting over her embarrassment.

"Actually, yeah, but I'm not really sure what I have in the fridge," I shrug, turning around to yank open the stainless steel door.

I pull out an egg carton and a jug of orange juice, before turning around and placing the two ingredients on the black granite counter.

"That's all I got. We can go to the store later today to get what we need," I say, looking up at Bonnie, to find her rummaging through the cabinets.

I watch her and can't help but smile at her attire. She was still dressed in my oversized shirt and a pair of my boxers that I lent her the night before. Her long caramel hair was pulled up into a messy bun on the top of her head with a few stands out to frame her perfect face.

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