Chapter 19

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A meaningful picture up top (interpret how you want)

Ace's P.O.V

For the rest of the wedding I danced with Bonnie, my girl. I kissed her and messed around with her. Every time she laughed, I felt my heart stutter as I watched her beautiful face.

She was finally my girl.

We had also hung out with Kayden to help him get away from Valerie, but not much, because the she-demon needed him to boast and flaunt her wealth.

I look over at Bonnie curled up in the passenger seat, as she yawns, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Tired?" I ask with a soft smile.

"Hmm..." she mumbles, curling in to an even tighter ball.

I chuckle at her and turn down the radio from her heavy metal. I don't know how she likes it, but if that's what she likes then that's what's going to be playing in my car when she is in it.

We soon arrive at the house and Bonnie is fast asleep in the passenger side. I turn off the car and quietly get out, before waling over to her side. I open the car door and lean in to carefully unbuckle her seatbelt.

She mumbles something in her sleep and I'm afraid I woke her up, but she calms back down and her breathing becomes steady once again. I gently scoop her up into my arms and shut the car door with my hip before locking it.

I carry Bonnie up to the front door and unlock it while still managing to carry a very light Bonnie. I close the door behind me with my foot and carry Bonnie up the steps.

She curls into my side, gripping my jacket in her hands as she mumbles incoherent things into my chest. I walk her to her bedroom and gently place her down on the soft sheets, before taking off her high heels. Her hands are still fisted in my jacket, making me smile. I attempt to pry her arms off me, but I can't without waking her up.

I bite my lip, contemplating what to do. I don't know is she will appreciate me sleeping in the same bed as her, but I also am kind of reluctant to leave.

With a sigh, I manage to shrug out of my jacket and she instantly curls up with it in the bed, a small smile on her face. I fight the urge to laugh at how she's acting in her sleep.

If only she knew how clingy she gets in her sleep.

I turn around and am prepared to walk out of the door when I hear her soft voice behind me.

"Stay, please," she murmurs.

I turn around and see her eyelids slightly open before they fall closed again. I fight the excitement and happiness threatening to overpower me, and move towards the bed, sliding off my shoes and hoping into the bed beside her.

She instantly cuddles into my side, placing her hands on my chest and her head on my shoulder, my jacket forgotten. I smile to myself and wrap my arms around her, pulling her even closer to me.

The fact that I was still in a suit didn't bother me at all thanks to Bonnie sleeping beside me.

For the first time in my life, I fall asleep with my girl in my arms and a grin on my face.


"No, No! Stop! Don't!" I hear someone screaming, waking me up form my sleep.

My chest has a wet spot on it, causing me to look down and find Bonnie's tear stained face, shouting. Her brows are in a deep frown and her lips are moving along with her words as she cries and screams.

"Bonnie! Bonnie, it's okay, wake up Princess," I say sitting up and gently shaking Bonnie.

"No stop! Don't hurt me! I didn't do it," I hear her cry, but it drops off into a mumble.

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