Chapter 13

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Another picture of Bonnie up top!

Ace's P.O.V

"That was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful," I hear Kayden say from the back, causing me to break eye contact with Bonnie to look back.

He was slowly clapping while also wiping fake tears off his cheek while Caleb nodded along with him.

"I didn't know you had it in you, Ace," Caleb smirks, causing me to groan and face forward again.

I pull back onto the road and drive in the direction of Kayden's house. I am just going to leave Caleb there with him and then go home with Bonnie. I look over and find a small smile on Bonnie's face, while her eyes were glazed over, as she was deep in thought.

We soon make it to Kayden's house and I kick both boys out of my car, they stumble out without protest. Once I see that they made it into Kayden's mansion, I drive off.

The silence in the car carries on all the way to the house, until finally, finally, Bonnie speaks.

"So what time is the wedding on Friday, and where the hell am I going to get a dress?" she asks as I park the car.

I turn to her with a broad smile and watch as she stares at me with wide, panicked eyed.

"We need to leave by ten in the morning for...well, for everything and we won't get back until...I actually don't know because rich people like to drink," I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "I can take you to a shop to get you a dress for the wedding."

"I don't want you to see it beforehand. I want it to be a surprise," Bonnie says, more to herself, but I hear it anyway.


", I mean..." she sighs in defeat. "Yeah."

"Well ,then I can get my sister to go with you and help you out."

"What are we going to tell people if they ask about me, not that they would care, but they might. Do I tell them that I'm a stripper with no money and you only let me live with you because you feel bad for me and are my friend?" she asks, playing with her hands in her lap.

"No, we tell them that I met you at...a party, which isn't a lie because I met you ate Kayden's "bachelor party". We can tell them that you are a dancer, which isn't a lie either. And then we tell them that we are...friends that are just going on a date,' I shrug, though everything I said was true.

"Yeah, okay. That makes sense., I'm pretty sure the dresses won' up all of my...scars, so...what do we tell people about that? What will they think?" she asks nervously, not making eye contact.

"Hey, your scars are a part of you. You shouldn't be ashamed of them or embarrassed. Embrace them. You survived whatever you went through to get those and you should be proud of that. So, I don't care if they show or not, you're beautiful with or without them," I shrug, forgetting that I'm supposed to take things slow with her.

I don't care. I'm telling her what she needs to hear and it is the truth. She really is beautiful, even with her scars and she shouldn't be afraid to show them, no matter the event.

I see her eyes glaze over and fill with unshed tear, but she quickly blinks them away and smiles sadly at me, before leaning over between the seats and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank you...for everything," she whispers in my ear, making a smile appear on my face as I wrap my arms around her waist.

When we finally break apart, Bonnie looks back to normal, but there is still a smile on her face.

"I'll call my sister and tell her to come over after our training session and take you shopping. That good?"

"Yeah, that's good," Bonnie says, before opening her car door and stepping out.

I follow after her, all the way to the house, locking the car and the front door behind me. We walk up the stairs in silence, all the way to her bedroom door.

"Goodnight, Bonnie. I'll see you tomorrow," I say, kissing her cheek before quickly walking away towards my room.

As soon as the door closes, I lean against it with a big smile on my face. I can't believe I just kissed Bonnie, it may have been on the cheek, but it was still amazing.

I touched my lips as I pushed off the door and made my way over to the bathroom.

Hopefully, this was the start of our relationship.

Bonnie's P.O.V

I stared after Ace in shock. He had just kissed me...on the cheek! My heart was fluttering out of my chest and my stomach was doing summersaults I was so happy.

I don't know why though. I have never really liked, or trusted men after my father, yet, Ace was somehow different.

I walk into my room, my cheeks burning, before closing the door behind me and throwing myself onto my bed and staring up at the ceiling as my thoughts ran away from me.

Why was he so nice to me? How could he say the most beautiful things that meant so much to me? He was slowly ripping down all of my walls and it has only been three days! How am I letting myself be open and trusting after such a short period of time.

This was not me. I never act like this, but now that I am, I feel...happy? Maybe this is the real me and I have just been a hallow shell of myself for so long that only now, after I am forced to come out, I'm realizing that I'm not naturally a distant person. Maybe, naturally, I am a trusting person with a kind heart, instead of the cold distant person I always thought I was.

Was Ace bringing out the real me? or was I just getting soft and delusional?

Why was I letting myself open up to him, when in the end, I'm just going to end up in a million pieces lying on the floor. I will have no one to pick me up and put me back together. Over the years I have had Jim and Sky manage to piece me together, but it still isn't enough. Now with ace, I feel myself actually coming together to form a person with a soul, with a heart, with emotions!

But the chance that he's going to give up or get bored of me still lingers like a neon street sign in the middle of the night. Ace was rich, handsome, powerful, and everything anyone could ever want. He could literally get anything he wanted, any girl he wanted. So what would make him chose me over anyone else?

I was a stripper with no money, no home, no parents, and barely any friends. I was a sad excuse for a human, and despite what Ace said, I am worth nothing. I am a useless piece of shit with no life.

So why did I just hand my heart over to Ace on a silver platter when I accepted his request to be his date?

I may not be in love with him now, or even be falling in love with him, we may not even truly be friends, but I know, without a doubt, that the longer I am here, the more I am risking myself. The greater chance that I will not make it out of, unscathed.

But maybe, just maybe, I can come out as a whole, not just a shell, but a whole, with every part of my being pieced together and intact, including my heart.

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