Chapter 6

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Picture of Ace's house up top!

Ace's P.O.V

I pulled in my long driveway, just as an awed gasp sounds from the passenger side. I look over and find Bonnie's mouth wide open, admiring my home. I smile to myself, seeing her impressed expression, before turning back to the front.

A minute later, I park the car in front of my house and turnoff the car. We sit there in silence, neither of us not knowing what to say.

"Come on, let's get you settled in," I say, finally, hoping out of the car.

I walk over to the passenger side to help Bonnie out, but she has already gotten out and pulled her duffle bag out of the back. She offers me a kind, but closed off smile, to which I return with a genuine one.

I motion for her to walk with me, and she does, following me into my massive home. I unlock the door and hold it open for Bonnie. She seems to hesitate at the doorway, before continuing in with an audible sigh.

I follow after her, locking the door behind me. The house is dark and empty, like it usually is at night. I slip off my shoes before walking along the wall and finding the switch.

I flip it, and the bright lights from the ceiling instantly light up the room. I look over at Bonnie's awestruck expression with a small smile.

I look back towards the room, taking in the wide-open entrance area. On each side of the room, there is a curving stairway that meet at the second level in an open Hallway, disappearing on each side behind white walls. Through the archway, between the stairs, you can see the living room with its beautiful black swayed couches, facing a massive 80-inch flat screen T.V, hanging over a grand fireplace.

"Come on, I'' show you to your room," I say after a few minutes, allowing Bonnie to recover from the shock that is my house.

I see her take a step, but then, stop abruptly ripping off her sneakers and placing them gently on the expensive shoe mat by the door. I smile at her as she follows me over the spotless white tiles floors, slipping slightly with her socks.

I walk up the stairs, hearing the faint sound of Bonnie's feet hitting the ground behind me, with a specific room in mind. I take a right turn and walk through the very wide hallway with a few doors on each side of the wall. I finally reach the second door to the end of the hallway (which is where my room is) and open the door for Bonnie.

I motion for her to enter, and she does, slowly. I walk in behind her, flicking the light switch and taking in the massive bedroom. The walls were painted a light cream color, making it look very home-y.

There was a fluffy black carpet sitting on the ground, in front of another large T.V. There was a black couch off to the side, facing the main entrance. The bed was massive, large than a king size, and decorated in a black and white comforter. The pillows were large and fluffy, very inviting.

The window on the other side of the room looked out over the large clean yard the surrounded the house, along with the pool, with a small window seat underneath it, cushioned with a custom-made black pillow. There was dark wood dressers placed strategically around the room, along with matching bedside table for each side of the bed.

There were two other doors in this room. One led to a large bathroom, and the other led to a walk in closet. I watched as Bonnie, gently placed her stuff down on the ground and checked out both rooms, before coming back and standing in front of me with a slight blush to her cheeks as she rubbed her arm nervously.

"I really can't thank you enough. I know we barely know each other...but, thank you...for everything. I don't know how to repay you,' she says, looking down at the carpet as she nudges it with her sock covered foot.

"It really is nothing. It's kind of lonely living in here by myself. I am sorry about your apartment and belongings though. If you need anything, I will be happy to help," I tell her sincerely, surprised at my own generosity.

I have never been considered a "nice" person before, so why was I being so nice and...understanding...and helpful to her. What makes her different from the other girls? Why was she so different to me?

"Thank s again, then again, I should only be here for a night...until...I'm not sure, but I'll figure something out quickly to get out of your hair," she says in a rush.

"Bonnie, why don't you just live here? Honestly, I have more space then I know what to do with and I wasn't lying when I said it gets lonely around here. You can just live here, I won't bother you," I tell her, surprising myself at my own suggestion.

What the fuck? Did I just say that?

"Oh no, I... I couldn't do that. I'll never be able to repay you, I can't do that. You barely know me...," she says, putting her hands up with wide eyes.

"Honestly, Bonnie it's no problem. I would be happy to help you. You don't need to pay me anything."

"But that's...Why are you being so nice to me, of all people?"

I open my mouth to say something, but no words come out. What do I say? I don't even know myself.

"Because...we're friends? I think," I offer up with a lame smile.

"I can't accept even if we are friends. It just... it feels like I'm not doing anything useful. I have to repay you somehow."

"If it bothers you that much, you can pay me the same amount you use to pay for your old apartment, but don't worry about it too much because I have more money than I know what to do with," I offer.

"That isn't enough. I could...maybe help clean?" she shrugs hopefully.

"I have someone to do that a few times a week."


A huge smile breaks out on my face, because the idea of Bonnie cooking for me is very appealing. Don't ask me why though.

"Deal,' I smile, offering her my hand.

She stares at it, her blue eyes glazing over as she thinks, her brow and mouth creasing down into a frown, as she gets lost in thought. Finally, after a few seconds, she lets out a defeated sigh and places her small, smooth hand in my own.

"Deal," she says, looking up at me with the hint of a smile on her lips.

She was so beautiful and I can't help but think that I got the better end of the deal. Bonnie was going to be living under the same roof as me, even if I kind of took advantage of, what where, her poor/non-existent, living conditions.

This was going to be amazing, but there was also a small nagging feeling in the back of my brain that was telling me to be careful and cautious around her.

Did I just make the best decision of my life...or the worst?

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