Chapter 16

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Picture of Bonnie's hair up top!

Ace's P.O.V

I paced the tiled floor at the bottom of the steps, waiting for Bonnie to come down so that we could leave for the wedding. Mel was helping her, and Mel takes forever for everything!

The sound of a throat clearing draws my attention up to the top of the stairs where Mel started walking down in her black mermaid dress. I try not to show how disappointed I was that it was her, and not Bonnie.

"Relax, she's on her way," Mel smirks at me before exiting through the front door.

She had to take her own car to the wedding, which was thankful for. Though, I would never admit it outload. The clicking of heels on tile pulled me out of my thoughts until I was staring at the most beautiful thing ever.

Bonnie was dressed in a long cream and gold colored dress that fit her hourglass body perfectly. One her ears were gold hoops that matched the sequence on the dress's bodice. On her feet were a pair of tall nude heels that were only seen as she reached down to take another step down the stairs. Her hair was pulled into a loose bun at the nape of her neck with small curls of caramel hair framing her perfect face.

The scars along Bonnie's arm were left without makeup and perfectly visible to everyone, but I think they make her even more beautiful. The scar that stood out the most was the long jagged white scar along her collarbone. With the low neckline of the dress, it was easy to see, but I didn't care. She is beautiful, scars and all.

My breath caught as she stopped in front of me with a hint of a blush on her cheeks. She was absolutely perfect. She is definitely the right choice for this date, and for any date.

"You look beautiful...perfect," I breathed with a small smile, causing her blush to deepen.

"You don't look to bad yourself...," she whispers back.

"Sorry, I forgot my purse! Okay, got it, we're all good now. See you both at the wedding!" Mel yells through the house and slams the door shut, shattering the moment Bonnie and I had.

I'm going to kill her.

"Shall we?" she asks, tucking a thing curl behind her ear.

I nod with a smile and hold out my arm for her to take. I can't help how my smile expands as she takes my arm in hers and I walk her out of the house, locking the door behind us.

I walk her over to the passenger side and hold the door open for her, allowing her to slide in. Once she is safely tucked into the seat, I slam the door shut before moving over to myside of the car. I hop in, and start the car without hesitation and rive off.

I reach over and grab Bonnie's hand, holding it in mine as I rest it on the middle console between us. I see her stiffen out of the corner of my eye and just as I am about to pull my hand out of hers, she relaxes and squeezes back, causing me to smile like an idiot.


I park the car in a full lot, filled with expensive cars owned by many. I hear Bonnie's sharp intake of breath as she takes in the massive crowd moving around towards the giant white tent. That sat a little ways beside a large old looking church.

Kayden and Valerie's parents spared no expense with this wedding and wanted to have it out in the open where it can be as beautiful as possible for more publicity.

"You okay?" I ask her, slightly concerned.

"Yeah I'm good, just slightly nervous," she admits, playing with my fingers subconsciously.

"You'll be okay. I will be with you the whole time," I assure her with a gentle smile as she turns to look at me.

"Will...will your parents be here?"

"Probably," I say in confusion.

"Aren't they going to hate me because I'm...your date and well...I am not wealthy or your type?" she asks seriously.

"I think you'll be okay, and if they do ask about you, then just let me handle them, okay?" I didn't have the heart to tell her that my mother was insane.

I didn't want to make her even more nervous than she already is, and my mother may not even show up. My mother doesn't actually like Kayden that much, but she is a fan of Valerie. For the longest time she was trying to get us together, but I would rather die than be with that piece of evil shit.

"Yeah, okay," she aggress with a sigh.

"Alright, let's get out," I say and hop out of the car.

"Yay, can't wait," Bonnie whispers to herself sarcastically, causing me to smile.

I wasn't looking forward to spending time with all of these people either, but Bonnie will make it more bearable.

Bonnie's P.O.V

I took Ace's hand as we met up in front of the car. He pulled me tightly to his side as we walked, causing a few of the nearby guests to stare at us.

I held my head up and threw my shoulders back, refusing to let them see how nervous and unsure I actually am. Ace shoots me a smile, making me knees weak-annoyingly.

He was strikingly handsome in his beautiful black suit. His hair was styled slightly, but still looked a little messy, in a sexy sort of way. His tan face seemed to glow and his crystal blue eyes shown with happiness.

He is probably just excited to see some people he knows at this party.

We make it into the church, walking through the aisle to get to the front of the church. He pulls me into the first bench and we scoot over to the very end so that he is sitting with the armrest on his left side and I am sitting on his right.

"Shouldn't you be Kayden's best man or something?" I ask him softly while the church filled up.

"Kayden said he didn't want us to go through the torture, and from what Kayden says went into this wedding I am very glad," Ace chuckles.

"You don't like his fiancé?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh god no! She's awful," he hisses in a whisper with a look of horror in his eyes, causing me to laugh.

"I would have though you two would get along nicely then," I smirk, making him gasp in mock hurt.

"Excuse me, but I am a wonderful person to be around, Princess," he says, placing an arm around the back of the bench.

My face heats up at what he just called me, but before he can comment, a nicely dressed older woman slide into the seat beside me, hitting me with her heavy purse.

"Ouch," I mumble, rubbing my cheek.

"Hey, I'm sorry miss, but you just hit my girl," ace says to the woman, sounding annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, son. I didn't see her there," the woman says turning around and I can hear Ace's sharp intake of breathe.

I look over at him and his face has slightly paled and his mouth is stuck open. I place a gentle hand on his knee, snapping him out of his thoughts. He smiles at me and the whole world sees me stop.

"Please, Ace, tell who is this lovely woman," the woman beside me says sarcastically.

"Mother, this is my date, Bonnie," he says tightly, causing my eyes to widen at him.

He gives me an apologetic smile and moves his hand from the back of the bench to wrap around my shoulders and pull me towards him. I look over at the woman that was his mother and see the evil gleam in her eye.

Oh no! Why was she looking at me like that?

"I'm Elizabeth King."

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