Chapter 27

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Ace up top, the little hottie!

Bonnie's P.O.V

I stare down at Ace in shock, unable to proses my thoughts into words. Tears of happiness pour down my cheeks, I laugh at myself, only managing to nod my head as fast as possible.

He lets out a relieved sigh before jumping to his feet and pulling my in for a kiss. He pulls away all too fast, to slide the beautiful ring on my finger. We both stare at it for a second, before both our gazes gravitate up to meet each other's.

I can see his eyes glistening with tears of happiness as we stare at each other, goofy smiles on our faces. He leans in and kisses away my tears before stopping right on top of my lips.

"I'm so happy that you're going to be my wife, I can't fucking wait until we get married. I love you Bonnie more than life itself and nothing is ever going to change that, you are the only one for me, your all I see, and you are absolutely perfect," he whispers before crashing his lips against mine.

My tears of happiness fell down my cheeks as I kissed him, threading my fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss. His hands trail up and down my sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake as he smiles against my lips.

His hands find the back of my legs, before pulling me up so that I'm straddling his waist, his hands running up and down my thighs as he walks us into the gazeebo.

Next thing I know, I'm being laid down on something soft, Ace on top of me and kissing my lips longingly. I pull away to take in my surroundings and find that I'm lying on a small mattress. I let out a loud laugh, causing Ace to pause kissing my neck and looks up at me.

"You really did think things through," I joke, running my knuckles along his cheek.

"Well, I had to be prepared," he smirks, before moving back down and pecking my lips.

"Prepared for what exactly?" I smile, looking into his crystal blue eyes.

"Well what do you think? I think it's time to be with my fiancé, don't you," he smirks, kissing my cheeks, then my jaw, then down to my neck.

I try to form a coherent sentence, but he's making it so fucking difficult with all of his kisses and touches.


"Yes, Princess?" he murmurs against my skin.

"I-I've never...done this before...I...I'm" I manage to get out, causing him to stop kissing me and pull back to sit on his legs, staring at me.

I feel my heart ache at his reaction. I shouldn't have said anything. I sit up and look down at my lap playing with my fingers. Suddenly, I feel gentle fingers on my chin, forcing me to look up at Ace.

I find him smiling at me, and his happiness radiates off him in great waves, confusing.

"You don't know how happy I am to here that baby. I want to be your only...when you're ready of course. Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks me with a gentle smile.

I waste no time in nodding, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him back down on top of me while he smiles against my lips.

"I love you, Princess," he murmurs as he trails kisses down my neck.

"I love you Ace," I manage to say before I forget about everything except Ace and I.

Nothing else matters other than being with Ace in this moment, with my fiancé.

Ace's P.O.V

I wake up to the chirping of birds and the steady breathing of Bonnie in my arms. I look down at her sleeping form and smile to myself, remembering the events of last night.

It had been the best night of my life!

I stare at her left hand, which is resting on my bare chest, and let a goofy smile take over my features as I see the engagement ring on her finger. I had been so nervous.

I didn't know if she was ready to marry me, or if it was too soon, or even if she loved me enough to even want to fully commit to me, but all of my doubts had been blasted into outer space.

"How's the view," she murmurs with a small smile on her beautiful face.

"Perfect," I smile, kissing the top of her head as she snuggles in closer to me.

"Does your mom know that you were going to propose to me?" she asks suddenly.

"No..." I sigh. "But, my dad and Mel knew, Mel actually helped me pick out the ring," I tell her, trailing my hand up and down her bare arm, watching as goosebumps follow behind my touch.

"How do you think she's going to react?" Bonnie asks, looking up at me with her beautiful blue eyes.

"Not good, most likely, but you know what? I don't give a fuck what she thinks. I love you, you love me and I'd be damned if I let you go and didn't make you my wife," I growl, showing her how much I mean those words.

How much she means to me. She places a gentle kiss on my bare chest, causing a shiver to run through me. How can she do that at such a simple gesture?

'I love you Ace, and I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me for the rest of our lives," she chuckles, grabbing my hand and kissing my knuckles, causing my breath to catch.

"I also got you another present," I tell her, watching as her attention snaps back up to mine.

She open her mouth to speak, probably protest, but I cut her off with w swift kiss to her lips.

"You're my fiancé, I'm allowed to spoil you, and you are going to accept it," I say, giving her a stern look.

She lets out a sigh of defeat before nodding her head and watching me expectantly. I roll over slightly on the bed, reaching for my discarded sweatpants and pull out a sheet of paper and a set of keys from my pocket.

I roll back over and face Bonnie with a smile on my face as she takes in the two items with a confused expression.

"Here," I hand her the picture first.

She takes it with unsure fingers and opens it, revealing a picture of a large brick building with glass in the front with Bonnie's Gym written on the front in large bold letters. She look up at me with glistening tears.

"You got me my own gym?" she whispers in disbelief.

"Well, I know training people is what you love, so I thought you would like to start your own gym. Do you like it?" I ask, nervously.

What is she didn't want to run her own gym? What if I misread her.

"Like it? Like it? Ace I fucking love it!" she exclaims, throwing her arms around my neck and crashing her lips to mine, while tears stream down her cheeks. I place my hands on her hips, letting her take control as she kisses me.

She finally breaks away, panting heavily and leaning her forehead against me.

"What did I do to deserve you?" she murmurs.

"I ask myself the same question," I respond, kissing her again, though it leads into more, much, much more.

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