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"Why do you have to watch her sleep?" Said Anika. I was sitting in a sofa near the bed as I watch Kirsten sleep.

"Because I missed watching her sleep. She's really cute."

"Ugh! Love really sucks!" She rant. "Thomas used to do that to me before, he watched me sleep and cuddle me when I woke up but what happen? I found out he's been hanging out with random girls he met."

"I am not Thomas and no matter what happens, I will never be him. I love my girlfriend and she's everything I need."

"Well, I have no doubt about that brother. I just hope, you take care of her. She's precious you know and I love her as my own sister so please, don't you dare break her heart."

"Of course I will. You don't need to ask."

"I'm proud of you lil bro!" She tapped me in the shoulder. "I am so happy that you finally found someone you can't live without. Treasure it."

"Yes, sis."

"I know there are still a lot of things that might come along the way. Things that will test your relationship. But please when that time comes, fight for her no matter what happens okay?"

"Yes. I'll fight for her until the end of time." And that's a promise!

She sat beside me and hugged me tight. "Don't make the same mistake I made 6 years ago. When I let go of the man I truly love because I wasn't brave enough to fight for him."

"Si Anthony?" I asked curiously. I think he was the guy she's been telling me about when I was still 15 years old.

"Yes. Everything was perfect you know. But in a cruel twist of fate, I was force to let him go."

"Why do you have to let him go?"

"Well, he's very loving and sweet. He's a very good man. But since he didn't came from a well off family, Dad disliked him. He was set-up and has been accused of robbery and was sent to jail." She confessed. Anika and I were bestfriends but I didn't know anything about it.

"I...I didn't know..." I really don't know what to say to her. I was dumbfounded.

"I came to Dad and begged him. But he told me that Anthony will rot in jail if I continue my relationship with him. I still tried to negotiate but knowing Dad, he wouldn't listen."

"What happen then?"

"I spoke with Anthony, told him everything. He said that he'll be okay as long as I'm with him. But I couldn't just watch him suffer because of a crime he didn't do. He was the breadwinner, his whole family is depending on him. I love him so much but because I am not selfish, I let him go even if it breaks my heart."

"How long have you been together?"

"4 years. Four beautiful years that's full of happy memories."

"What happen when you let him go? Did Dad free him? What did Anthony said?"

"With Dad's connection, he was freed from prison. And the moment he was out, he came to look for me but Dad locked me up in the room so I won't be able to see him. I was so devastated that time. I heard Anthony screamed my name from the outside but I couldn't do anything." I run my fingers through her hair to comfort her. I didn't know that our father is capable of doing such things. I grew up with no mother and a father to guide me in everything. My sister Anika assumed the role of my parents. She was 5 years ahead of me. I've been in this world for 21 years, but I can count on the fingers on my hand the number of times I saw and talked to my father. I grew up with a thought in mind that our father didn't love us. He provided everything to us yes, but not the fatherly love we longed for. Our mother died when I was 4 years old because of an accident.

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