Suprise ...

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Around half an hour after you hung up the phone on Carl you hear the doorbell ring, you slowly walk downstairs and hear two male voices and a female. Your dad, mum, and Carl.

Oh god please let this go well.

"Hey y/n, for you" Carl smiles handing you a bouquet of (your favourite flowers).

"Thank you Carl" you smile even though your still slightly mad at him.

"So your Carl huh ?!" You dad speaks up.

"Yes sir" Carl says firmly, a kind warning expression, you study his look realising his braids are out, and he's not wearing his usual gangster gear.

"Why is it that the last two times we weren't meant to meet you didn't show huh ?" You dad asks.

"Sir, I apologise to you, Mrs y/l/n, and y/n. I'll admit I was doing something pretty stupid. Which I've stopped now, I feel terrible about bailing the past two times so if you wouldn't mind, I have a reservation for four at (your favourite restaurant) and if you guys would like to join me I'll be willing to pay ?" Carl says hopefully.

Your dad looks over at you and your mum and nods, "can never say no to free food" your dad laughs, you all make your way out to his car, but first you stop Carl.

"You're lucky. My dad probably would have slammed the door in your face if you didn't mention 'free food" you laugh, Carl sighs.

"I'm sorry y/n, I really am. I would of stopped if I knew how it made you feel, I really would-"

You plant a small kiss on Carl's lips, "I know you would have, now lets go I'm hungry"

"You just ate though ?"

"Yeah like three hours ago" I laugh, and drag Carl to the car. I mean who says not to free food ?, a crazy person that's who ...

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