I thought you loved me.. pt3

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oKaY but before we start I just wanna say happy birthday tom!! I love u so so much jksks


It'd been a month since you'd seen Carl at the supermarket. You hadn't heard anything from him since so you assumed he didn't care, moved on with his life so you decided to move on with yours.

You were sitting on the floor in the living room with Olivia and Tom playing with Olivia's barbie dolls. Olivia made you play barbie and Tom play ken because "mummy and daddy" and she played the baby.

Just then you heard a knock at the door, "I'll get it, you two keep playing" you smiled tickling Olivia's stomach, she giggled.

You walked over to the front door, and opened it to your surprise Carl was standing there. He had a bouquet of flowers in one hand and what looked like a bag of toys in the other.

"C-Carl... what are you doing here?" You asked

"I came to make things right" He said confidently and before you could tell him to leave he pushed past you and marched into your house making you stumble back a little.

"Oh.. he's here" Carl said as tom came into view.

"Yes he is, because he lives here" Tom said walking over to you and wrapping his arm around your waist. His accent was popping.

Carl scoffed.

You were starting to get pissed off, everything had been so perfect, you'd been so happy and he thinks he gets to just barge on in here after three years acting like he owns the place. I don't think so.

"Carl I think it's best you leave.." you say through gritted teeth

"Leave? No! I'm here because I want you back Y/N and I want to see MY daughter" He said pointing at Olivia who was still playing with her barbies oblivious to what was going on.

"You're daugher?! You're daughter?! Really cause last time I checked you didn't know she existed till a month ago!" You say getting angry, "Tell me Carl, what's her name? Tell me"

No reply.

"Exactly... Olivia Marie Holland, that's her name"

"That's not my fault Y/N! You never told me" Carl said his hands raised in defence.

"My fault?! No don't you dare put this on me! How was I supposed to tell you, huh? You completely cut me off after you so viciously dumped me!" You yelled back.

There was a moment of silence between you all.

"Look Y/N, I'm sorry. What I did was wrong and I've regretted it since. I know your mad and I would be to but if you'd just give me another chance?!" Carl said breaking it.

"Carl look, I can't forgive you as much as I want to I just can't. What you did... I just I can't. But I do want you to be apart of Olivia's life so I am willing to let you come see her every now and then if you'd-" you started but we're cut of by Carl

"No, I'm good thanks. See you round Y/N"

"What?" You asked in disbelief.

"I said no. I'm leaving, thanks for your time" he replied and with that he left.

You and Tom stood there in shock.

"What the actual fuck just happened?" Tom said confused.

"I-I don't know"

"M-mummy, w-who was that?" Olivia asked looking up from her toys

"U-um, no one bubba. Keep playing" you said watching as Carl's car drove away.

As much of a dick as he was your first love and apart of you would always love him. You couldn't deny that.

A tear slipped down your cheek which quickly escalated into sobs. Tom turned you around and pulled you into a tight hug.

"Don't cry Darling" he mumbled into the crook of your neck

"Yea d-don't cry d-darling!" Olivia repeated as she hugged your leg.

You cracked a smile. "Okay my darlings"

5 months later.

It had been 5 months since Carl turned up at your house, he texted you apologies for how he acted but thought it would be best if he kept his distance. You hadn't spoken to him since. Almost a month after the incident Tom proposed, of course you said yes I mean how could you not?! And not even a month after that you found out you were pregnant! All three of you were ecstatic. Especially Tom. You were very happy, and you deserved it.

Part 4?

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