His child pt 2

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"Mine ?" Carl whispers, you bite down deep on your lip and nod.

"She's yours Carl, one hundred percent" tears swell into your eyes as you try and hold them back.

"She can't be ! Can she" he continues you whisper not wanting to cause seen.

This is up to you,

Option 1; Carl doesn't want to know Layla, keep reading.

Option 2; he does want to know. Skip down to 'Part 2',

"She's not y/n, she can't be. Even if she is i, I don't want her" he yells a little louder thankfully everyone was to drunk to notice.

You roll your eyes. This is what you were afraid of three years ago you're only seventeen how do you think he would've reacted his twenty now and he's acting like a child.

"What why ?" You yell back, anger filling your system.

"Because I don't wanna be a father I'm to young" he yells,

"You know what this is why I left because I knew this would happen you act like a fucking child and won't take responsibility for your own" you yell.

"Come on Layla Bubba say goodbye were going !" You tell kindly to your daughter, she waves and hugs everyone. Including Carl, which killed you as much as you think it did to him.

He could've stopped you from getting in the car but he didn't and Layla unfortunately shall never meet her dad.

PART 2 !! >

"She's mine ?" Carl asks, looking over at Layla.

"Yeah she is, Carl, look I'm sorry about not telling you. I was young and scared, I'm so sorry" I say, tears swelling into my eyes.

"It's okay y/n I probably would have done the same thing" Carl chuckles, "what matters now is that I get to meet my daughter and hopefully spend the rest of my life with you ?"

"What ..." you ask, Carl then gets down on one knee, everyone seems to turn around in show.

"y/n y/l/n, from the day I met you, I have loved you. Sounds cringy but I'm not lying. I would love nothing more then to spend the rest of my life with you, so y/n y/l/n will you marry me ?" Carl pulls out a small diamond ring, now your crying.

You nod and pull Carl into a hug.

"Mumma !" Layla yells, running into your arms.

"Bubba there's someone you need to meet and I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier. This is your dadda" you say, Layla's smile becomes very noticeable and she jumps into Carl's arms.

A few months later you both get married, then find out your pregnant with a little boy who you name Tyler. Then the four of you live happily ever after, The end.

Bet you didn't expect that :)))



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