Ask me out again in 10 years, I'll say yes

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"I'm sorry, Carl. I just can't do this." You chocked back on your sobs, looking down at your fiddling fingers not being able to bring yourself to look at the brunette boy in front of you.

"Y/N, please, we can make this work!" Carl begged grabbing hold of your hands. You looked him in the eyes slowing pulling away.

"I just can't take the p-pressure of this! You're going off to military school... You're not even going to be here!" You sniffled taking a small step back. Taking one last look at the boy you'd had spent almost every day with for the past three years, seeing him upset, made you even more upset then you were.


He looked you in the eyes tears running down his cheeks.

"If you really love me, Ask me out again in 10 years, I'll say yes."

He didn't say or do anything he just watched as you ran away tears streaming down your cheeks.


That was 10 years ago. And it was really playing in your mind today more than ever. You were now 28, you didn't have a husband or kids.  A few flings and one serious relationship that lasted just over a year but that's over now. You had a very well paying job, nice house and an adorable puppy dog, named Lola. You kept in contact and stayed close with most of your high school friends, but you didn't have many. There was lot of people in your grade and in all honesty you weren't very excited to see them all tonight.

That's right, tonight was your 10 year high school reunion. You sighed checking the time, realising you should probably begin getting ready as your ride would be here within the next hour. You were going with your four best friends from high school, thankfully. You really didn't want to turn up on your own.

You headed to your closest and after a good twenty minutes of looking you finally decided on a nice red dress and gold heels. You left your hair out and messed around with it, hair spraying it how you wanted it. You looked through your jewellery and decided on a few bracelets to wear on your left arm, and a nice pair of earrings.  (picture up the top)

Now onto make up, you thought. You sat down at your vanity and applied the basics. Concealer, Foundation, Blush, bronzer. You applied a light brown eye shadow, a small wing and of course mascara. You shaped and filled in your brows, added highlighter and did a nude colour lip.

As you were finishing you heard a car beeping outside your home. You looked out the window a small smile spread across your lips when you saw your friends car. You quickly grabbed your shoulder bag throwing your phone, keys and wallet inside. You braced yourself for the night ahead, then made your way down to the car.

You opened the back door and hoped inside you lived closest to were the reunion was being held so you were the last to be picked up.

"Dayum you look nice!" Your friend Lizzie said cheerfully catching a site of your appearance. All your other friends agreeing.

"Thanks, I try" You smiled putting your seat belt on.

"Well you don't have to, must be nice being naturally gorgeous!"

You let out a chuckle. "Oh it is" You smirked playing along with the joke.

"SELFIE!" Madi your other friend yelled from the passenger seat. Immediately everyone turned to the phone and smiled. Tonight was definitely going to be one for the books. After half an hour of singing and lots of laughing, and stopping at star bucks on the way, before you knew it you had arrived at the venue and you were walking hand in hand with Lizzie.

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