I thought you loved me.. pt2

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It'd been just over three years since you and Carl had broken up, you hadn't seen or spoken to him since. Not long after you actually fell pregnant with a baby girl and met your current boyfriend Tom. (Tom Holland is my baby so I'm using him but if you don't like him just think of someone else!!)

Tom was there for you as a friend through out you're entire pregnancy and not long after you have birth he asked you to be his girlfriend. Since he'd been there through it all like father should be you gave your daughter Olivia his last name.

You, Tom and Olivia were out grocery shopping. You were in the candy aisle, Tom was holding Olivia and the three of you were looking at the chocolates. Olivia had already picked out what she wanted and she made that very clear.

"M-mummy I-i wan-t t-this one" she stuttered pointing at the crunchie in front of her

"Okay bubba you can get that one" you smiled picking it up and handing it to her

"T-thank you m-mummy"

You smiled at her response.

"I think I want a boost what do you want babe?" You asked tom, just as he was about to reply you heard a familiar voice call your name.


You spun your head around and made eye contact with a certain someone you did not want to see.

"Carl" you mocked

A chuckle escaped Tom's lips making Olivia giggled which brought a smile to your face. So much for being serious.

"I-I how've you b-been?" He asked walking closer to you

"I've been good, how've you been since you left me?" You replied coldly.

There was a moment of silence between the two of you before you broke it.

"Well we betta get going, Tom did you choose which one you wanted?" You said turning around to face your boyfriend and daughter

"Actually Y/N I was hoping we could talk?" You heard Carl say from behind you

"Talk? What's there to talk about? You left me with no explanation whatsoever and now you see me here three years later and think we can just talk?! No way Carl, No.way."

Carl stood there looking dumbfounded.

"Cmon Tom, lets go" You say grabbing your boyfriends hand.

"Y/N! Wait!"

Carl chased after you and stopped in front of you and Tom.

"Just please let me explain!" Carl begged.

"What's there to explain Carl?!" You say getting frustrated you just wanted to go home, and eat.

"Okay, okay fine. I know you don't wanna talk to me, if I were you I wouldn't want to either. But please just let me ask you one thing then I'll leave you alone" he asked

You nodded.

"I-is she mine?" He asked referring to Olivia.

You looked Carl in the eyes, you tried to speak but nothing came out.

"I'm a dad..."

Just as you were about to reply someone called out Carl's name making you jump, it was Brielle the girl Carl got with not even a month after you two broke up. As hard as you tried you couldn't face them.

"Goodbye Carl.." you mumbled, you and Tom quickly paid for your stuff and with that you left. You hadn't heard anything from Carl since so you assumed he did care, didn't want to be apart of his daughters life so you moved on with yours.

Part 3?

Carl Gallagher ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora