I thought you loved me.. pt5

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"Mum you ready?" You heard your daughter Olivia call from outside your room.

"Almost!" You called back.

You stared at yourself in the mirror, sighing you grabbed your purse of your vanity and headed out to Olivia.

"Let's go" you grinned at her, "bye babe" you called to Tom, he walked in the room still in his pyjamas eating a quakson (Hollanders will understand jsksks)

"Good luck" he chuckled

You rolled your eyes and poked your tongue out at him, "bye liv!" He then yelled.

"Bye dad!" She called from half away out the door.

You and Olivia hoped in your car and headed to your local coffee shop where you would be meeting Carl. You finally arrived after a good few minutes in the car and the two of you headed inside. You looked around the room and spotted Carl sitting in the far corner.

"There he is" you said pointing to Carl

Olivia nodded.

"You really want to do this?" You asked concerned.

She grinned. "Of course".

She grabbed your hand and dragged you over to Carl, the two of you awkwardly stood next to him. You cleared your throat making him look up, he immediately jumped up and pulled you into a hug.

"Y/N!" He smiled, "And your Olivia?" He asked. Olivia nodded.

"Well I'm Carl, It's nice to meet you" Carl smiled shaking Olivia's hand.

"Please take a seat, can I get you anything? A water, coffee?"

"I'll have a water" Olivia smiled, you shook your head. "I'm fine"

Carl nodded and quickly jogged over to the counter to get Olivia a water. Not long after he came back, he handed Olivia her water and sat down across from us.

"So... how've you been?" You asked shifting in your seat.

"Good actually, you?"


"And Olivia how old are you now?" Carl asking giving his attention to her.

"Thirteen, Fourteen very soon" she smiled.

"What grade are you in?" He then asked trying to make conversation


Carl nodded.

"Do you like school?"


Then there was an awkward silence.

"Olivia... I'm sorry" Carl said breaking it

You quickly shot your head up and looked at Carl.

"I'm a real..."

"Dick?" She interrupted

"Yea" Carl chuckled.

"Your mother gave me the opportunity to be apart of your life and being the dick that I am, I blew it" He confessed

"Why?" Your daughter asked, you leant forward a little. You wanted to know too.

"I was scared, I guess"

You snorted.

They both looked at you with angry expressions. "Sorry, continue" you mumbled.

"Out of absolutely nowhere I found out I was a dad, at first I was determined to step up to this role but when I saw Tom.. and how good he was to you and your mother.. I got scared and well ran away..."

He paused.

"...You both seemed so happy and that's all I've ever wanted you both to be" He gave you a small smile.

"Then why'd you do what you did? All this could have been avoided Carl..." you said looking him in the eyes

"To be honest I don't know why I did what I did Y/N, but that was the past this is the future! And I'm begging you, please give me a second chance and let me be apart of my daughters life!"

You looked at Olivia who had a small smile spread across her face.


"Thank you! You won't regret it!" He beamed

You giggled, "I better not."

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