I missed you

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You were sitting at the dining table with the Gallagher clan in the infamous Gallagher household. It'd been what seemed like forever since you're boyfriend had gone off to juvie. You missed like hell but today was even worse because it was you're five year anniversary.

The two of you started dating when you were Only youngsters, You smiled remembering how he asked you out.


"Y/N?" Carl asked putting down his toys and coming over and sitting next to you on the couch.

"Yes Carl?" You asked moving your attention from the TV and over to him.

"Will you marry me?" Carl asked pulling out a little plastic toy ring.

"Carl but we're not old enough yet!" You giggled.

"Okay, well how about you be my girlfriend until we turn... how old do we have to be?"

"18 I think"

"Until we turn 18! Then we can get married!" He said cheerfully.

"Okay! Yes!" You grinned.

He slipped the little plastic ring on you're finger and leant forward and pecked your lips. You're first kiss.

No one thought it would actually last, everyone thought you would grow up and grow apart but here you were at you're five year anniversary. The two of you were only 10 at the time, you were now 16. Over the time Carl was gone you became extremely close to his sister Debbie, the two of you were inseparable. You were there for her during her pregnancy and she was here for you during the whole Carl, juvie drama.

You stabbed your fork into the bacon on your plate aggressively before letting out a sigh.

"Y/N, I'm sorry he's not here. I'm sure he wants to be-" Fiona begins but you cut her off.

"Does he really though Fiona? Because if he did then he would be here right now! He wouldn't have put himself behind bars." You say raising you're voice a little.

"Sorry Fi, I'm just, I'm emotional." You apologise for getting angry at her.

"It's okay Y/N, I get it I'd be upset too if my boyfriend was missing our anniversary because of his stupidity." She smiles placing her hand over yours and giving it a little rub before continuing to eat her breakfast.

"Don't worry Y/N, he'll be back before you know it!" Lip chirped In, throwing a peace of bacon in his mouth. You gave him a small smile.

"Yeah... hopefully"

As if it was almost on cue the front door opened making all of our heads turn, there stood you're boyfriend of five years, Carl Gallagher, with a bouquet of (favourite flower) and a block of (favourite chocolate). Your mouth dropped a little, jumping from your seat you ran over to him. You greeted him with a hug, a hug that you never wanted to end, a hug that didn't end for a good two minutes.

"I missed you." you mumbled into the crook of his neck.

"I miss you too, princess." He smiled placing a kiss on the top of your head.

The two of you pulled away standing there just taking in each others presents.

"I got you these.." He smiled handing you the flowers and chocolate.

"Thank you! I'm sorry I didn't get you anything I didn't know you'd be back" You giggled.

Carl let out a small chuckle.

"It's alright, just being here with you is the greatest gift."

"Stop it! You're gonna make me blush!" You laughed and playfully pushed his chest.

"Happy Five year's, Carl." You exclaimed jumping back into his arms.

"Happy Five year's, Princess."

Carl Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now