I love you

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You stepped out of the diner for your break, tired you called Carl like you usually do to pass time. Strangely he didn't answer. Everything was quite until you heard sirens this was your que to head back inside.

It was getting late and you were getting ready to lock up when someone came in scaring the crap out of you. It took you a moment to realise who is was.

"Carl! You scared me!"

He didn't reply, instead he walked past you and into the kitchen. Confused you were about to follow him when someone else came in. It was a policeman. Great what did Carl do now?

"Officer, how can I help you?" You say with a smile.

"Did a teenage boy come in here, about this tall, wearing a black hoodie?"

"Uh no sir" I replied confidently

"Are you sure? I could of sworn I saw him run in here"


He nodded.

"I was just about to close up shop but I could make you a coffee if you like?" I asked kindly walking over to grab a cup

"No thanks, I don't want to be a pain. I'd better get going anyway"

We exchanged goodbyes and he left. Not to long after Carl crept out from around the corner. I crossed my arms and gave him a glare.

"I'm just gonna say it, I bloody love you" Carl said walking over to you and pulling you into a hug.

You pushed away.

"No, your'e in love with the fact that I just saved your  ass from getting arrested" you said annoyed.

Before Carl could reply you interrupted him.

"You're sorry ass better be grateful I just lied to a police officer for you. That's a crime!"

Carl let out a laugh.

"I know I'm sorry but I didn't ask you to do it so that's on you" he says raising his hands in defence.

"And I was going to say before you interrupted me, I really do love you y/n, not many people would of protected like that. Thank you"

You bit your lip.

"Your lucky I love you too, otherwise you would probably be in a cell right now" you chuckled.

Carl pulled you into another hug. He helped you lock up and walked you home whilst continuing to tell you how much he loved and appreciated you.

Carl Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now