Request (3)

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This one is for slimshady___

My family and I had just moved from the north to the south side so we could see more of the rest of our family.

The house we were moving into was average size, it had four bedrooms, a decent size living and dining room and two bathrooms, the neighbors seemed okay on one side there was a husband and wife and on the other there was a rather large family with a boy who seemed around my age.

"Saskia could you bring the last box in" my mum asked more like ordered

"Sure Mum" I yelled back.

The box was a lot heavier then I thought making me tumble a little, the boy next door who looked around my age seemed to notice I was struggling when he came to the rescue.

"woah woah are you alright" he chuckled taking the box of me.

"Yeah thanks" I smiled.

There was a moment of silence until the boy broke it, "I'm Carl" he said holding out his hand, "Saskia", I grinned.

"What a beautiful name"

I immediately felt heat rise to my cheeks, trying to hide my blush I hid my face which made Carl laugh.

"So where do I take this?"

I gave him a dumbfounded looked then realised what he meant and told him to follow me, I took him up to my room where he sat down the box.

"Thank you Carl"

"No problem, hand me your phone?"

I did as he asked them he handed it back.

"I've got to go but text me, maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" He asked with a smile.

"Sounds fun" I said biting my lip with a grin.

Carl Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now