Chapter 23: Memories of the Good Old Days

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"Do you feel better?", I asked him.

"Yeah, think so."

I removed my hand from his cheek, but kept holding his hand.

"How come you know so much about cramps and torn muscle fibres?", he asked.

"Err, you know; I got some experience with Rafe. He kicked me in the stomach as well and after feeling this kind of pain a few times, I looked it up in the internet, but there is nothing one can do against it. You just have to try not to tire it up too much and wait for it to heal."

"Oh, Jo. I feel so sorry for you. I should have freed you earlier; we should have taken care of him years ago, I should-"

"No, stop. Everything you did was making me feel better. I almost managed to forget about Rafe, but then he showed up at the auction. My point is, you already did so much for me, saved me so often and I have the feeling, that I never thanked you enough for that, for being my friend, even if it's complicated."

I saw tears sparkling in his eyes. "Of course I am your friend and you don't have to say thank you for that. You have been there for me too. Just like now, you always patched me up, you made me be brave, when I needed encouragement. Do you remember how I reacted to the descendants on our search for El Dorado? Without you I'd still have nightmares of those slimy, disgusting ... things."

"If you put it that way, it sounds like I was always the hero, but remember how scared I was to go to jail in Panama?"

"Yeah, but you did in fact hit some guards."

"They were beating up a prisoner. What else was I supposed to do?"

"You're too kind-hearted for this world."

"Oh, come on, Drake. I'm a total badass.", I jokingly boxed against his shoulder, but he just laughed.

"Indeed, you're a badass."

"Stop being so sarcastic and get up. We need to find your stubborn brother and I swear to you, when we saved him, I'm going to punch him."

"So am I. Can you give me a hand?"


I helped him up and supported him, so he wouldn't get a cramp again. His left arm was resting on my shoulder, while I placed my right hand on his hip. We made our way into the direction we assumed was our way towards Sam.

"Watch out with the rocks. Don't fall down."

"Yeah, I'll do my best,", Nathan assured me.

Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching and pulled out my knife. I protected Nathan by placing my body in front of him, so he would be covered up, when someone starts shooting at us.

"Stay behind me. I got this."

Suddenly a branch moved and Elena was standing in front of us. We stared at her in disbelief.


"Hey, guys."

I put away my knife and supported Nathan again.

"What are you doing her?"

"Oh my god, what happened to you?", she asked referring to Nathan, who could barely stand on his own and my T-shirt, that was red because of the blood I lost.

"Come on. Let's sit down. It's a long story.", Nathan said.

"Yeah. I bet it is. You can also tell me everything about your past. Maybe explaining why you suddenly have a brother?" Elena coldly asked.

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