Chapter4: strange encounter

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??? POV

I'm was home alone the whole day today.
I'm so bored and it's raining outside.
I walked towards the window of the living room to look outside.
'It's really bad'
Suddenly lightning struck as i was looking out the window.
In a split second as the lightning lit up the darkness I noticed a figure in our front yard.
I blinked a few times trying to adjust my vision after it turned dark again.
I stood still still looking through the window.
Lightning struck again and i took the chance to check if that figure is still there.
'Omg is that a person?'
'What are they doing out in this weather?'
'No it's probably something that got carried by the wind and ended up in our front yard'
I wasn't convinced with the explanation i came up with cause I found myself still looking out the window waiting for the lightning just so I could see the figure again.
It lit up again, this time i was almost sure it was a person.

'What's the worst thing that could happen if i check?' I thought

I glanced at the window before putting on my shoes and a thick jacket and an umbrella and picked up my phone before I headed out the door,
and the weather was worse than I thought.
I quickly stomped over the wet grass to where i saw the figure standing.
I closer i got the clearer I could see, i heard hiccups and faded sobs coming from their direction.
'This is so weird what am I doing?'
'This could be a  crazy saesang fan that knows where i live or something, who knows?'

I was thinking about going back inside when thunder started echoing loudly followed by lightning.
I noticed the person flinch at the sounds.
I heard the  shaky sobs and hiccups getting louder.

'I'll just give them the umbrella' I thought

I walked closer and turned on the flash light on my phone towards the figure.

'Omg it's a girl'
'Poor her'
I noticed her slowly turning around and my heart started beating so fast.
'What if it was like one of those horror movies?'
I kept my wide horrified eyes at her as she fully turned towards me shivering rapidly.
I exhaled in relief, I didn't even know I was holding my breath.
I looked at her face, she was clearly crying her eyes out.
She was soaking wet from head to toe.
'How did she end up here?'

She was squinting her eyes then I
realized it was because of the flashlight i was flashing at her.
I lowered it from her face and slowly extended my arm that was holding the umbrella towards her.
Raindrops started landing on me since there is no umbrella above me.

She blankly looked at me, her eyes still half open.
I shook my hand that was holding the umbrella motioning for her to take it.

The weather is only getting worse.
I felt bad cause that umbrella is good for nothing right now.
She blinked a few times i was waiting for her to take the umbrella.

She suddenly hung her head low and was about to fall backwards.
I realized what was happening and quickly caught her by her arm before she lays on the dirty wet muddy ground.
As soon as my hand landed on her arm I flinched at how cold she was

I didn't know what to do.
I put the umbrella above us, and stood there thinking about what I should do.

'I'll just take her with me inside just so she doesn't die out here'
I walked back towards the front door of my house trying to drag her with me.
I put a hand on her back and my other arm under her knees and carried her.

I haven't done this to a girl before.
But I didn't think about it when i did it.

I entered the house and walked quickly to the couch in the living room.
I could hear liquid dripping on the wood floor creating little puddles of water as i walked.
I slowly put her on the couch and backed away and put my hands on my waist thinking what I should do now.
'Did i really have to go out in the first place?'
'If I didn't, she would have died in front of my house, I'll help if i can'
I looked at her lifeless laying on the couch.

She's obviously not from here.
I pitied her.
She probably didn't have a clue about any of what just happened to her or why it happened.
She looked so pale, like a white piece of paper.
The tip of her nose was so red so as the tips of her fingers.
I looked at her feet and hesitantly took of her shoes.
'Her clothes are soaking wet and so cold'
I kept thinking what should i do.
I was honestly stressing out because of this.
I obviously can't take her clothes of.
How uncomfortable and weird would that be if a random guy took a random girl's clothes off and dressed her.

To be continued..

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