Chapter22: train from busan.

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Jungkook's POV..

I didn't expect it to be that bad when namjoon informed me that paparazzi and reporters are crowding and gathering around BigHit building in seoul and some even gathered around the hotel y/n is staying in.

Apparently, They're anticipating a statement regarding the pictures that were going around of y/n and i.

My stomach is twisting and aching out of anxiety and unease, oblivious to the fact that I'm still just standing there with y/n behind me subtly holding onto me by my clothes.

I heard her gasp as she listened to the questions they were asking so shamelessly and disrespectfully.
She shouldn't be dealing with this when she should be enjoying her holiday and just do what she came for in the first place which does not include this chaos.

I just stood there momentarily paralyzed, until i felt vibrations from my pocket, only now realizing that i had my phone all along, I didn't notice earlier when namjoon called due to how panicked i was, and still am.
But now I'm alert to the people around us, and making sure they're at least a meter radius away from us.

I wouldn't have heard my phone ringing if it didn't vibrate.
I accepted the call and pressed the phone to my ear to be able to hear whoever's calling.

"Get on a train and come to seoul now" i almost couldn't recognize our manager's voice as he yelled alarmingly.

"What?" I asked to make sure what i heard is what he was saying.

"You have to come here!" He commanded.

"Wait! No! You don't understand-" he interrupted me like he didn't even care to listen.

"You have to come as soon as possible so we can deal with this, jungkook." He said a little more calm this time.

"Look, I understand why i have to, but I'm not alon-" then i got a reply from the dial tone before i even finished my sentence.

I sighed deeply as i ran my fingers through my hair under the hood over my head.

Glancing over my shoulder at y/n then back at the crowd of people who just keep gathering and making the situation more obvious to the passers-by then they end up standing there and making it worse.

Next, i turned around towards y/n and hid her under my arm that i draped over her, my protective instinct kicking in.

I could feel her her trembling slightly and it instantly made me feel sympathy for her.

I walked the fastest i could, I can't run, my legs are barely carrying me at this point.

Some of the reporters started following us and screaming at us, which made me unconsciously tighten my arm around y/n.

I kept increasing my speed to the point where I was almost dragging her with me.

"Where are we going?!" She asked in confusion.
"To seoul" a short answer that left her shocked but quiet.

I thought about going to the train station via the bus to get there faster, but then we're gonna draw attention now that the pictures are everywhere, and we can't stand on the pavement long enough to find an unoccupied taxi.

So we walked to the train station instead of using public transportation.

Once we got there, we got tickets for the train that's leaving in a few minutes.

We immediately found the train and got inside and found our seats which gladly were at the far corner of the train.

Y/n suggested that i set near the window while she sat on the aisle seat.

I sat there while i kept my eyes glued to my phone waiting for a reply from our manager after I informed him that we got on the train on our way to seoul.

After a few minutes he replied with who's we?

If he didn't hang up on me before he would know but of course i told him it was y/n, the same girl who i was in the photos with.

It was silent at first, i was preoccupied with my own thoughts, then I realized i needed to check on y/n and apologize for dragging her into this and into coming with me to seoul.

Plus she's been quiet for a while now.

I looked towards her and saw her quickly typing a text to someone whose name caught my eye, daehyun?

I furrowed my brows then quickly neutralized my expression as her eyes landed on me when she noticed i was looking at her.

"Umm.. are you okay?" I hesitantly asked her and internally cringed at how awkward and odd i sounded.

She smiled which made me relax a bit "yeah, i think i should be asking you that, are you?" She replied with genuine care to know the answer.

I mirrored her smile and nodded feeling much better and much more easy now that i checked on her.

I looked away and out the window but looked back towards her when she started talking to me.

"Where did you find your phone?" She asked dumbfounded as she glanced down at my lap where my phone laid, only now noticing that i had it.

Oh no.. i hope she doesn't think i lied when i used her phone or something.

I shrugged "well, I didn't realize i had it all along until recently, I didn't even notice when i took pictures at the coastal walk" i chuckled at my unmindfulness.

She pouted in confusion as she watched me for a bit longer than a second then looking away.

I looked down at my phone when the screen let up with a text from the manager:
tell me when you get here, I'll pick you up from the train station.

To be continued..
Thanks for reading i hope you liked it💗
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Thank you so much❤️

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