Chapter23: coming through.

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Jungkook's POV..

As soon as the train doors slid open, people immediately started getting off the train and it quickly became almost deserted.

As we got off, I instantly recognized our manager looking around until his eyes landed on me then on y/n who was standing behind me looking around cautiously until she realized it was the manager.

We walked to him and he greeted us with a quick bow and we bowed back while he smiled his usual welcoming smile.
"Let's go" he said before walking ahead of us while we followed close behind him.

We reached the parking lot of the train station then he unlocked the car he usually uses and opened the back door for us, he then got in the driver seat in the front.
"We're going to the BigHit building now" he informed us as he turned on the engine.

I noticed y/n's brows furrow, apparently not taking in what he's saying.

"What's the BigHit building?" She whispered more to herself.

"It's my group's agency" I answered her question in a whisper almost imitating the way she asked.

We ride in silence until i saw the building that I'm in most of my life so far, but right now it looked so out of the ordinary.

People were crowded all over it.

I was relieved to see that both the doors of the building and the car are locked.

But then all my relief was gone the second people who were once crowded around the building, are now surrounding the car as soon as they noticed it.

It wasn't unusual, this happened several times before with the members.
But now the situation is completely different.

Not only the members aren't here now, but also because y/n's witnessing this and she's probably terrified.

She'd definitely be terrified.

I automatically looked in her direction, she was already looking at me with wide glistening eyes.

When i saw her like this, right then, i felt a pang of guilt flooding me.

This is all my fault, i dragged her into this, how could i not even be a little considerate of her feelings or anything at all.

I didn't know what to do then.
So i looked down to avoid seeing her, and I noticed from the corner of my eye that she closed hers and hung her head low. I started worrying.

I couldn't see her face so i shifted closer to her, hesitantly lifting her head and instantly noticing her tears, they didn't fall yet but it was pretty obvious they were about to.

I didn't know what came over that moment, when i rested her head on my shoulder and my hand lingered on her hair.

She instantly hid her face in my my shoulder, I slightly stiffen not expecting that.

I let out a sigh of relief that she doesn't hate me or despise me or something of that sort.

I don't know why that matters if we're not gonna see each other as soon as we sort this out.

Eventually, security finally came out of the building to clear the way, they set a barrier to keep the growing crowd at a distance.

I looked from the window to y/n. She too, was looking out the window on her side.

"Ready?" I asked her.

She nodded not looking at me, then I slowly opened the door and gestured for her to come out of the same side.

As soon as i stood up out of the car, the crowd started screaming.

Not in the pleasing adrenaline rushing and exciting way like the chants and screams in our concerts, performances, even presence.

This was the complete opposite, it was terribly unpleasant.
I reached my hand out to y/n who stopped climbing out of the car once she heard people screaming like they did.

Luckily, body guards stood on either side of us shielding us from the cameras.

Y/n was almost unnoticeably tugging my top from the back as she held onto it and hid her face in my back while we made our way to the inside of the building.

As soon as we were indoors we both let out the air that was temporarily stuck in our lungs.

She walked beside me with her head low like she didn't want to be seen.

"Bang pd-nim is waiting for you in his office" one of the bodyguards stated then he bowed and walked away.

We walked into the elevator quietly.
We haven't exchanged a word since we got out of the car.

I glanced at her "are you okay? I'm so sorry I shouldn't have dragged you all the way here with me without even asking if you were okay with-" she stopped my rambling.

"I'm okay" she said convincingly with a neutral expression and her lips slightly curved upwards.

"Are you?" She asked and i felt like I hadn't heard her talk in a long time.

I nodded mirroring her small smile while the elevator doors slid open and we walked out.

I wonder what bang pd-nim will say about this.
He's usually calm and collected when we have complications and i hope he is now.

We didn't walk much until we reached his office, i knocked on the door and glanced at
Y/n then I opened the door slowly and peeked inside, immediately spotting him sitting on his L shaped couch and not on his office chair.

He stood up and indicated for us to walk in and sit.
I sat down as y/n slowly did the same.

"Jungkook.. can you tell me how this happened?" He said in his usual calm voice.

I cleared my throat to give myself a few seconds to come up with an explanation.

To be continued..

I hope you liked this chapter😁
Thank you so much for everything😊
I love you guys so much😭❤️

I won't be able to post for the next two weeks due to exams.
But after that will be winter break so I'll post twice a week instead of once a week.

Thanks for reading💕

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