Chapter8: a kpop idol.

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Your POV..

I sat on the couch in the living room while he sat on the other.

We just sat there in silence staring at the two candles in the center, on the coffee table.

He took a deep breath like he was about to say something and I glanced at him.

"So.. umm... why were you out in the rain?"

I quickly ran through all the things that happened before I ended up here.

"When i first arrived at the hotel from the airport, I thought it would be a good idea to walk around the area, clearly it wasn't"

I sighed then chuckled "I thought I couldn't get kidnapped or robbed, but something completely different happened, and here i am" i shrugged.

He hummed as a response.
He cleared his throat and asked timidly "so.. where are you from?"

I glanced at him "I'm from (c/n)"

He nodded slowly "cool"

I was about to smack my forehead at how awkward and shy he was.

"How do you know how to speak korean?"

I glance at him then look back down at my fingers "my friend is korean, i also watch alot of dramas and stuff"

"So your friend taught you?" He asked interestedly.

I answered by nodding once.

"So what's your name?" He started getting less hesitant as he talked more.

I try to look at him and have a little eye contact but i end up looking down at my fingers "y/n"

He smiled politely "i like your name"

I suddenly felt shy and my face heat up.

He continued "it's different"

I tried to ignore the shyness that i felt.
"What's your name?"

I felt slightly confused when he chuckled before saying "you don't know me?"

I furrowed my brows and looked up at him.
He does look a little familiar, like I've seen him somewhere but I don't know him.
He can't be famous,right?

He tilted his head as he looked at me with a slight smile on his face.

Then I realized i had been staring at his face as i tried to think of where i had possibly seen him.

I quickly looked back down at my fingers, and shook my head.

"So I guess you didn't plan this just to see me" he said more to himself than to me.

How did he suddenly turn cocky and arrogant.

I kept my thoughts to myself and looked up at him "why the hell would I stand in the rain 'til i'm nearly frozen, just so I could see you?!"

He shrugged and looked like he remembered something "similar things happened in the past"

Wow, that must be really scary and uncomfortable for him.

"That's why i thought really hard before I decided to help you"

I nodded slowly understandingly
"Are you umm.. famous or something?"

He looked at me like he was debating whether to tell me or not.

"I'm in a kpop group, we've gotten really popular lately so I assumed you would know who i am"

He took a pause then continued
"My name is jungkook"

When he said his name I could swear I heard his name before.
I kept thinking for god knows how long until..

O shit.

My eyes widen as soon as I thought of where I heard that name.

He can't be..

" a-are you from.. that group... called.. bts?"

I stuttered as i spoke slowly, the last word came out more like a whisper.

He almost laughed at the why i asked.
Then he nodded.

I kept my wide surprised eyes on him.
This is so embarrassing.
He's suddenly acting more confident now that i know who he is.

This is so weird, i wish i didn't know this way.
I'm stuck here with a kpop idol.
I wonder how many people would kill to be in my situation.
But i wish I wasn't.

He sighed in frustration "i knew you would suddenly act differently once i tell you"

I looked up at him when he spoke, he seemed to regret telling me who he is.
He's so young it must be uncomfortable for him to deal with the way people treat him.

"What do you mean?" I asked wanting to know more.

He sighed again "as soon as i tell someone who i am they start treating me like I'm the president, if not that, they'll treat me rudely or they'll start screaming"

I suddenly felt bad for him "it's okay"
I felt worse that I couldn't say anything more comforting than that.

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, it was different from the smile that was on his face before he told me.
It's like he was reminded of something he didn't like.

To be continued..
Thank you so much to everyone who added this to their reading lists and to everyone who voted.
I'm almost at 300 reads😊
I'm so happy🤗💗
Thank you so so much❤️

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