Chapter44: the confession.

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Y/n's POV..

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone after a failed attempt at clearing my throat.

I didn't even check the caller's ID, it's like I answered the call without knowing that I answered the call.

Then I started getting suspicious of who this might be or if I'm just hallucinating, because the only response i got was just silence for almost a full minute.

I furrowed my brows as i was about to hang up, upset that whoever this is woke me up from a well deserved few hours of sleep for nothing.

Just before my finger touched the red button on the screen, i heard awkward throat clearing that I definitely heard once before.

I furrowed my brows even more as I tried to figure out who this might be, not even bothering to check the name and see if this person is on my contacts' list.

"Y/n?" He said and I immediately knew, my once furrowed brows raised as i wondered why he called half an hour after we hung up.

"Jungkook?" I said, more like asked, I cringed at how my voice cracked like I'm crying.

"Sorry to wake you up.. I didn't even check the time." He whispered the last part as if he's accusing himself.

"It's fine, What's up?" I said genuinely assuring him that it's alright as long as whatever he called for is worth waking up in the middle of the night for.

"I ermm... kinda forgot to tell you something." He said in a low voice like he usually does when he's nervous or hesitant to say something .

My curiosity grew suddenly with a bit of worry causing all the sleep that was drowning me was gone before my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked as i sat up on my bed, I couldn't help but get worried because he hasn't talked to me that way in a so long.

His voice just doesn't sound the way it normally does or the way i got used to it.

He always did everything with confidence radiating off of him like a spot light.

"Yeah." He said chuckling which kinda lessened my worry.

"Then, what is it?"

"Ummm.. i really don't know how to say this or if i should say anything at all.." he said in a low serious voice.

My brain was now gathering up all the possible things that he's gonna say and most of them caused my stomach to flip.

One of many was that he's gonna tell me we can't talk anymore because of the risk of anyone finding out, and convince me to forget about whatever times we spent together.

I didn't realize i held my breath as I thought of it.

A few seconds of silence followed his words, and i hummed questioningly indicating that I'm still waiting for him to say something.

Whatever it is he's about to spill, I'm not sure how I'll feel afterwards so I prepared myself for the worse and mentally excused him if he's about to say anything like the things my dysfunctional brain is coming up with.

"Ready?" He asked as he took a deep breath causing me to do the same before replying with a 'yeah.. i guess'.

I didn't even know how nervous i got until i sat up straight and crossed my legs over the duvet.

"Y/n... i like you." He blurted quicker than usual and let out a sigh like it was some sort of weight that's been lifted off of him.

I gaped at his words as my brain came up with other phrases that could sound the same as 'i like you'.

I opened my mouth to speak but i knew that even if i did I wouldn't be able to hear myself clearly due to how loud and fast my heart was beating.

It resounded throughout my entire body resulting me to just stop moving and talking all together.

"I like you... a lot actually." He said clearly and confidently this time and I almost gasped.

No matter how many times he says it i still would think that I've misheard it or something.

He sounds sober too...

I parted my lips hoping a full coherent sentence would come out but I had no idea what to say.

Everything is urging me to tell him that i feel the same way.

Because i do.

But a little part of me felt guilty for being selfish.

What if my feelings suddenly burst out of me and I won't have any control over them like i do... or did... because they're surfacing right now and there's nothing i could do about it.

We're far from each other.

And we probably won't see each other in a very long time if we ever do.

Even if something happened between us, there's so much around us that prevents us from being anything.

This can't be..

I like him too..

And these feelings have been there for so long but i only discovered them now and I'm glad i did.

Even if we're far from each other, we're on the same ground, under the same sky, we see the same moon and breath the same air.

There has to be a chance for us, no matter what.

Even if it doesn't happen at all, it would feel better if i let it out and let him know.

"Jungkook.. i like you too." I whispered into the phone as my grip on it tightened.


I woke up literally feeling hungover even though I haven't had alcohol ever since that dinner i had with my parents.

I didn't get any sleep,

Jungkook and i talked for Like an hour after i told him that i feel the same way.

He told me that jimin caught him talking to me before that.

We wouldn't have hung up if he didn't have final rehearsal and if I didn't have some sleep to catch up on for my exam tomorrow.

I didn't get any.

I stayed wide awake on my bed smiling to myself as i recalled our conversation.

He had time to nap before the performance but we talked for quite a while that he ended up being the last one to get in the van, which i felt extremely bad for.

I smiled widely as i walked out of my apartment building towards Daehyun's car like i do every morning.

He rolled down the window.

"Well, hello?! Do i know you?!!" Daehyun said jokingly while looking at me with an amused smile.

"Heeeyy!" I exclaimed as I opened the door and got in.

"I never thought I'd ever see you smiling on the early morning of your final exam." He said smiling as he shook his head like he couldn't believe it.

"I never thought i would either." I said buckling my seat belt and excitedly clapping my hands once.

"O' my god." Daehyun said in disbelief as he drove out of the parking lot.

To be continued..

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