Chapter32: unexplainable.

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Jungkook's POV..

I couldn't stop myself from stepping forward and wrapping my arms around her, she seemed like she fit right in them, it was probably because of that, I didn't want to let go.

I didn't think too much about whether it would be okay or not, or even if someone is gonna see it, i just wanted to do it, because it's the only time i can, and there's no time to waste.

I tighten my arms and pull her closer when i felt her arms rise and circle themselves around my waist, I can't see her face but for some reason i know she's smiling, not the happy one.

It's exactly what I'm feeling too.

I smile too, the smile that comes on when something has to happen and deep inside me, I don't want it to, but there isn't anything i could do to stop it.

I slowly loosen my arms around her since I eventually will have to let go, i did it now because i was afraid that if I hugged her any longer it would be harder to let go.

Her friend or whatever is waiting for her to take her back to (c/n), and I won't see her again, I can't even try to.

I let her go but I don't step back, not realizing how close our bodies are.

I look down to her eyes to see my own untold emotions inside them, telling me she feels the same, I don't know what those emotions are neither does y/n.

Both of us realize how small the distance is between us, but neither of us is stepping back or looks away from the other's eyes.

It's like we're trying to memorize each other's faces in case we run into each other somehow or for when we remember this moment cause both know there won't be a next time.

I didn't note that I'm leaning in closer, keeping my gaze firmly on her eyes that are switching their gaze between mine, like it's her way of showing me she noticed too.

She closes her eyes slowly and sighs as the tip of my nose touches hers.

All reasonable thoughts left my mind, all i could think of –if I hadn't lost the ability to think– is what's happening right now.

Just before i close my own..

The practice room door bursts open so strongly behind me, making both y/n and i flinch away from each other, like someone just knocked us out of our trance.

We hear throat clearing and i can immediately tell it's jin, without even turning around.

Y/n and i are standing a couple of meters apart now, eyes not meeting each other's.

"Hey.. guys!" He said smiling cheerfully as he waved at us slightly, and i hope it's just me that can tell how awkward he sounds.

Right that second, daehyun came into the hallway we're in and stood beside y/n draping his arm around her shoulders.

"Hi" he said looking at jin then he looked back at y/n.

"Shall we go?" He asked.

She looked up at him for a few seconds before nodding.

Right after she answered his question I turned around and got inside the practice room and closed the door and closed my eyes, maybe if i open them i will realize that all of this is just in my head.

I could hear y/n's voice as she thanked jin and him saying goodbye to her.

I don't know why exactly I can't think of her like anyone i meet once, and say goodbye to her so simply, especially when i know I won't see her again.

I opened my eyes, suddenly remembered that the members are still here, so I slowly turned around and scanned the room with my eyes until they landed on them, sitting in a circle on the wooden floor, looking at me with confusion.

I cleared my throat, pretending like i didn't just look like i was sleeping against the door.

I walked towards them and sat with them on the floor wincing slightly.

They're still looking at me, like they're asking me without speaking, so I mumbled my answer unintentionally not looking at them directly as i did.

"Y/n just left."

Yoongi then shrugged as he whispered loud enough for me to hear "well...that explains it." And namjoon smiled at me.

I know that smile, he smiles like that when he knows something –or when he thinks he knows something– we don't.

I didn't think about it much, he does it often.

"Ok!! Ten minutes passed, now let's do the other choreo." Hoseok said as he stood up and started stretching.

They all got up after that and then jin came in and turned on the speakers.

I practiced with them, pretty much just moving my arms and not even looking in the mirror at what I'm doing.

I don't stop until suddenly the music stopped.

Then I noticed all the members' eyes on me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You can't seem to focus today, jungkook, are you okay?" Jimin asked with concern as he patted my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I said reassuringly even though I'm still thinking if that was really the right answer.

"You should go home if you're in pain, take a break for today, it's okay." Namjoon told me with a soft but serious voice.

"I'm fine, really! I was just thinking about something." I said trying to sound more convincing as i adverted my gaze from them.

I didn't want them to know that my excuse for spacing out is only partly true, but it was obvious that they knew that already.

"It's okay jungkookie, you deserve a break." Taehyung said smoothly as he smiled at me.

A break sounds so tempting but I don't want to take a break while they work and I should too.

Either all of us work or all of us take a break, cause we all deserve one.

"I won't have a break while you guys are working, we all deserve a break if we're getting one based on that." I spoke out my thoughts as i slightly limped towards the speakers to turn them back on, no one said anything they just smiled at my reply.

We started dancing again, more like they started dancing again as I basically just moved my arms.

"Alright.. stop." Namjoon said suddenly.

We all looked at him weirdly as he turned the music off.

"Jungkook, Let's talk outside." He said calmly putting his arm around my shoulders.

To be continued..

Thank you for reading💗

I hope you liked this chapter😉

Have a great day/night❤️

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