Say It.

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Sarabi P.O.V

When I got home from school I passed by Joey. Joey was about to say something but I ran up stairs before he could say a word. But he followed me. I made it to the bathroom before he did I closed it. I could here his foot steps.

"Sarabi I know you are in the bathroom. Please just talk to me." He pleaded.

"Moretii I'm tired it's a Thursday and I just want to move on." I said looking the mirror. I must have forgot to lock the door because Joey walked right in.

"I want you to come to prom. With Me." he said trapping me on the wall both of his arms blocking a way out. I tried to find a way out but I felt his gaze I looked down.

"I want to look into your beautiful eyes and dance with you." he said lifting up my chin to looking into my eyes.

"I'm not going Moretii. I'm staying home." I said looking down again. He looked at me trying to read me.

"We will see about that." He said pecking me on my lips and walked down stairs. Lord knows I need air I closed my bed room door and opened up my window and let the air in. After I got some air I did my homework. Watch TV and ate noodles and Gatorade. Then my mom called me from down stairs. When I went down stairs I saw My mom and Mrs. Linda in the living room.

"Sarabi are you going to prom?" asked my mom.

"How did you find out about prom?"

"Joey told us about prom." said Mrs.Linda. I am going to end up hurting him by the end of the day.

"I'm not going mom it's stupid." I replied.

"Sarabi have you been to your sophomore or junior prom?" my mom asked crossing her arms.

"No i'm use to not going plus it's a week away it's takes a long time for a girl to find a dress so it's too late I am not going." I said.

"It's never too late to find a dress. I went to prom alone and I dance with people. You are not missing another prom I want to see you happy." My mom said hugging me.

"We can go shopping Friday." said Mrs. Linda Smiling. This is so great! ( note the sarcasm) I have to actually were a dress. After that I went upstairs to find Joey himself sitting on my bed reading my poems. I was already pissed that I have to go to prom.

"Moretii why are you in my room?" he didn't respond.

"Moretii are you listening?"

"My name is not Moretii its Joey." he said. Turning the page of my book.

"Your last name is Moretii."

"Yea but people call me Joey." he said looking up I look down. "I want you to call me Joey. I want to hear from your sweet lips say my name which is Joey." I kept my head down so I would have to look in his gaze before I knew it my back was against the was against the wall and Joey in front of me.

"Say. My. Name. Sarabi." he put it every paused in between words. I still looked down not saying anything. Then he pressed his body agaist mine I felt small.He lifed my head to make me look in eyes. His eyes had lust in it so much it was like a ocean.

"Say it." I couldn't take him being so close to me. His eyes stared into my soul.


"See was it that hard huh?" he said backing up thank god. I released air I didn't know i was holding. What has happen to me. I getting unknown feelings I am smiling more im not as angry lord what has happen to me.

"Is there a reason why your in my room?"

"Are you going to prom?"

"Yes unfortunately I am even though I don't want to because I'm used to not going." I said walking to my window looking out into the night stars.

"Who are you going with?" Joey asked hoping that I would say him.

"No one I will go alone."

"Sarabi won't you be my date to the prom?"

" I'm going alone Me, Myself and I" I felt his gaze. I didn't around I just looked out the window. Then he left. but when I turned around I found a note on a rose it said. 'think about it love. -Joey' .

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