Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

"Oh my God" 

Louis was lay on top of a blonde girl that i have never seen before in my entire life right in front of me, yet all i could feel was relief. Relief that it was not Rachel. I cannot describe what would have happened if it was Rachel underneath Lou-

no, i'm not gonna go there. I cannot think about that even happening without getting disturbed thoughts clouding my mind. But where was Rachel?

"Louis man, what the fuck?"

"Get the fuck out Harry" he replied, without answering me

"no, where's Rachel?" 

"Get out!" he told me

"not until you tell me where she is"

"what's it with you? why do you want to know where she is so badly?" he asked. I stayed silent as i didn't know why i was so desperate to find her. 

"Just tell me where she is Louis" i shouted

He huffed before replying "have you even tried your room"

Again i was silent. How come nothing was working inside my brain today? why couldn't i think?

"Oh, sorry man" i spoke, rushing out of his room and towards my own. 

There lay the girl that has been constantly on my mind for the past 30 minutes. Laying underneath my bed cover, cuddling up to my pillow. If this was anybody else i would be extremely pissed but it wasn't just anybody. 

It was Rachel.

20 minutes had passed and i was still sat on the chair across from my bed, looking at her figure sleep. I watched her take deep breaths and her body move slightly up and down at the action. In my lap i had a note pad and a pen in my hands. I thought that i would be able to write ideas down for this drama script thing that i had to do and why not do it when i was alone, where nobody would question me about doing it.

I had tried to think about what things she would do or what i would do, which was easy for the me part because i was, me. Even so, trying to thing of these things only got me frustrated at the fact i didn't know this girl enough to write things down that she would do. How could i even think with this music that was still echoing throughout the house? How could she sleep through it?

Addicted - Rachel Wilder and Harry Styles

Harry tries to hit on Rachel in which she doesn't fall for his games

> Rachel gets annoyed at him for him hitting on her. 

> They meet again in a class they never thought they would see each other - Drama.

> Their tutor makes them partners, more like forces them to be partners.

> They don-

My thoughts were disrupted by a growled voice and movement coming from under the covers. I looked over to my bed to see that she was moving and trying to get out of them. 

"Where am i?" she mumbled

I place the notepad and pen on the desk and walk over to her, pulling the cover back so she could get out easier. She didn't notice my action and continued to mumble to herself. By this time she was sat up and trying to force her eyes to open, in which was not happening. 

"what am i doing here?" she asks, i sat silent.  "where exactly am i?"  she asks again.

"my house"

Addicted // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now