Chapter 19

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A/N ~ Hiiii, Sorry for the long wait. Sorry for any typos, but I hope you like this chapter. Please comment / vote. enjoy reading :)

Rachel's POV

I walked up to the house to find that the door was open a snitch so me being me, walked right in.

"Harold, you're pissing me off where are you?" i yelled.

"Come find me" was the reply.

What is he 5?

I decided that because i was already in a mood with him to just sit down at the kitchen table and not move until he got bored of hiding. I pulled out my phone and was looking through my photos, just for something to pass the time. It must have been about 15 minutes before he started to yell out my name, hoping to get a reaction from me. Not going to work, Harold.

He strolled into the kitchen and seen me sat there, his facial expression changing automatically.

"Where have you been for the last 15 minutes! I've been shouting you princess" he stated.

"I wasn't playing your childish games. we are already late so can we just go back to class" I spoke, waiting for the excuse he was going to give.

"But I haven't had breakfast"

There it is...

"We need to go. And by that I mean go now" I told him, walking out the kitchen and towards the front door. no doubt he was going to try and stop me again but frankly I just wanted to get back to class and work on the script. Speaking of which I had a great idea which I need to write down and show this jerk what it was.

I got in my car and started it up, waiting for him to know that I was not messing around in this situation. I was being serious for once. It took him 10 minutes to follow me outside and into my car, which from there on out we had a silence among us.

"I have-"
"We need-" we spoke at the same time. It made a slight smile come to my face. I nodded my head telling him to say what he was going to.

"We need to get more ideas for this script going" he said aloud, making me grunt with a giggle.

I turned my head slightly, to look at him whilst watching the road also "I was just going to say that, well kind of. I was going to say I have an idea that I need to write down when we get to class"

And it went back to silence again.

"Can you here that?" Harold asked me, forcing me to listen closely to my car. There was a rattling noise again coming from the backend of the car and it was scaring me at the thought of it doing some damage to my baby.

It couldn't have been more than 5 minutes later that my fuel gage started flickering and the noise got louder. I looked over to Harold to see him looking at me with the same face as me. I indicated to the side of the road and pulled over, not willing to go any further with this damage that has just arrived. He jinxed it! It's his fault!!

I got out of my door and bobbed down to see if I could see anything underneath that was unfamiliar or just wrong with the body work. There was some sort of pipe hanging down from the car, almost hitting the right back wheel. I sighed loudly and sat my bum on the pavement with my head in my hands. Why did this have to happen to me.

I took a deep breath and let out a large sigh. I climbed back into the car and put my head into my hands.

"What is it?" harry asks from beside me, making me look up at him.

"Something has fallen from under the car and I don't know what it is. So basically we cannot get any further than here unless we walk, which I don't feel like doing" I tell him, another sigh leaving my mouth.

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